Well, I hope someone else knows more. Can't find anything useful. Although vi -t is not so horrible a burden to get what you need.
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1 234, 345, 456
2 345, 456, 345
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1, 345
2, 456
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"2","Mary Robertson","Horsham, Sussex","456"
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GSSAPI::Status(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation GSSAPI::Status(3)
GSSAPI::Status - methods for handlings GSSAPI statuses
$status = GSSAPI::Status->new(GSS_S_COMPLETE, 0);
if (GSS_ERROR($status->major)) {
die "a horrible death";
if (! $status) { # another way of writing the above
die "a horrible death";
$status = $some_GSSAPI->someop($args1, etc);
if ($status) {
foreach ($status->generic_message, $status->specific_message) {
print "GSSAPI error: $_
die "help me";
"GSSAPI::Status" objects are returned by most other GSSAPI operations. Such statuses consist of a GSSAPI generic code and, for most
operations, a mechanism specific code. These numeric codes can be accessed via the methods "major" and "minor". The standard textual
messages that go with the current status can be obtained via the "generic_message" and "specific_message" methods. Each of these returns a
list of text which should presumably be displayed in order.
The generic code part of a GSSAPI::Status is composed of three subfields that can be accessed with the "GSS_CALLING_ERROR",
"GSS_ROUTINE_ERROR", and "GSS_SUPPLEMENTARY_INFO" functions. The returned values can be compared against the constants whose names start
with "GSS_S_" if your code wants to handle particular errors itself. The "GSS_ERROR" function returns true if and only if the given
generic code contains neither a calling error nor a routine error.
When evaluated in a boolean context, a "GSSAPI::Status" object will be true if and only if the major status code is "GSS_S_COMPLETE".
When evaluated in a string contect, a "GSSAPI::Status" object will return the generic and specific messages all joined together with
newlines. This may or may not make "die $status" work usefully.
The base objects are currently implmented as a blessed C structure containing the major and minor status codes. It should probably be a
blessed array or hash instead, thereby cutting down on the amount of C code involved and making it more flexible.
Philip Guenther <pguen@cpan.org>
perl(1) RFC2743
perl v5.18.2 2008-02-02 GSSAPI::Status(3)