"od -c" can help you identify those non-printable character and represent them in octal. If you want to only print those lines:
That echo statement cannot be relied upon. What if $line expands to something that looks like a command option? You can't use "--" to explicitly signal the end of option processing. printf %s "$line" is a better approach.
Perhaps it would also be a good idea to suppress od's offset with -An, since the offset's format is unspecified and could possibly be matched by grep.
AWK might be easiest to use since its regular expression flavor is required to support octal escape sequences even within bracket expressions. However, without a definition of "special characters" by the OP, that's just speculation.
By more, vi, cat etc commands special characters (few control characters) are not identified.
Is there any way to find out those?
Sumit (3 Replies)
Can I get some help on this please, I have looked at the many post with similar questions and have tried the solutions and they are not working for my scenario which is:
I have a text file (myfile) that contains
echo "Begin processing file FILENAME " >> $b_log
... (4 Replies)
HI All
I need a shell script ehich removes all special characters from file and converts the file to UTF-* format
Specail characters to be removed must be configurable.
strIllegal = @"?/><,:;""'{|\\+=-)(*&^%$#@!~`";
Please help me in getting this script as my scripting skilla are... (2 Replies)
Well, I've searched the forum, but couldn't find an option, that would help me. I'm really a dummie in unix, so here it goes.
I've got like 50k files in a single catalogue. One of them contains a string:
Including the box/square brackets. I tried to find it manually, and use some search... (2 Replies)
I am creating a script to do a find and replace single/multiple lines in a file with any number of lines.
I have written a logic in a script that reads a reference file say "findrep" and populates two variables $FIND and $REPLACE
print $FIND gives
Hi How r $u
Note:... (0 Replies)
I'm trying to find all DISTINCT words having _mr in the line and ENCLOSED in '/'.
For eg below is the text in a file..
/database/project/rawdb/views/new_mr253/1... (5 Replies)
i need to replace the any special characters with escape characters like below.
test!=123-> test\!\=123
!@#$%^&*()-= to be replaced by
\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\= (8 Replies)
Hi....I have a xml file which is having lots of special characters which I need to find out and put the distinct list of those into a text file. The list of special characters is not specific, it can be anything at different point of time.
Can anyone help me to find out the same and list out?
... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: Krishanu Saha
10 Replies
ttk::frame(n) Tk Themed Widget ttk::frame(n)
ttk::frame - Simple container widget
ttk::frame pathName ?options?
A ttk::frame widget is a container, used to group other widgets together.
STANDARD OPTIONS -class-cursor-takefocus
See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options.
[-borderwidth borderWidth] The desired width of the widget border. Defaults to 0. [-relief relief] One of the standard Tk border styles:
flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken. Defaults to flat. [-padding padding] Additional padding to include inside the border.
[-width width] If specified, the widget's requested width in pixels. [-height height] If specified, the widget's requested height in pix-
Supports the standard widget commands configure, cget, identify, instate, and state; see ttk::widget(n).
Note that if the pack, grid, or other geometry managers are used to manage the children of the frame, by the GM's requested size will nor-
mally take precedence over the frame widget's -width and -height options. pack propagate and grid propagate can be used to change this.
ttk::widget(n), ttk::labelframe(n), frame(n)
widget, frame, container
Tk 8.5 ttk::frame(n)