Right On Time, Somewhere
Things like this are teaching me a greater appreciation for network time...
The huge gap between the speed of a satellite connection and its tiny bandwidth allowance means either being completely draconian or having to chide people to not abuse it all the time. We're somewhere inbetween, if a customer downloads too much they'll be slowed down temporarily, but not shut off; if the situation continues, we may phonecall and investigate.
We had a situation where a small community had massively overused their satellite connection pretty much collectively, going over not only our limits but our provider's limits, causing the entire satellite connection to be throttled. We needed to shut the connection down for a few hours before the satellite modem would let go.
We planned it, set a time, and warned our customers. How it worked was very simple -- two entries in root's crontab. At noon that day, the first one would run 'ifconfig eth1 down', taking the community offline but leaving me in communication with the server. At 5pm that day, it would run '/sbin/reboot'.
The server clock had drifted far more than I'd anticipated in the months since its last boot and clock-set, and the shutdown happened one hour early.
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seesat5(1) General Commands Manual seesat5(1)
seesat5 - provides satellite visibility information.
seesat5 [ report ] [ go <Label> ] | [ <command> ... ]
This program uses the sgp4 algorithm provided by NORAD to produce position information on a satellite. Seesat5 can produce tracking infor-
mation for one satellite over a period of several days, or for a collection of satellites over that period. By providing filter conditions
seesat5 prints out only those satellites you might have a chance to see rather than all the satellites that pass above the horizon.
Seesat5 is typically run by placing control commands into an init file called SEESAT5.INI. See seesat5 (7) for the description of these
commands. If there is no init file Seesat5 will present the operator with a '>' prompt where commands can be entered. From the prompt
seesat5 will begin analysis when sufficient parameters have been entered to begin the run.
Seesat5 uses selection conditions to filter the data so that only high and bright satellites are printed. Note that the selection condi-
tions are used to select whether or not the current passes data will be printed. If it is printed, then the complete pass data is printed.
ie. all data from when the satellite comes over the horizon until it goes below.
For lines that satisfied ALL the selection conditions, a "+" sign is printed as the first character.
report This option will disable printing of report records in the output of the run. These include all command lines found in SEESAT5.INI
or entered from the command line or the prompt.
go Followed by a label, this option causes branching within the SEESAT5.INI to begin execution at the line following label. Branching
occurs when the cmdline command is executed in the SEESAT5.INI file.
Most of the commands that can be found in SEESAT5.INI can be entered on the command line. If you desire the SEESAT5.INI file to exe-
cute after the command line be sure to make the last command RET.
The control file for seesat5
*.tle Two line element files used by seesat5.
seesat5(7), SEESAT5.INI(5), tle(5), cr(1)
Seesat5 is not always able to check data integrity. Since computation and output is driven by the data in the two line element, subtle
errors in a tle can cause floating point exceptions. In addition there are several commands that do not work well together, like SHOWTLE
and RUNTIME. Please report any problems with seesat5 to Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net>.
Debian Linux 28 March 96 seesat5(1)