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Special Forums Cybersecurity Cracking complex passwords (/etc/shadow) Post 302588523 by bcaseiro on Monday 9th of January 2012 08:11:01 AM
Old 01-09-2012
Cracking complex passwords (/etc/shadow)

I'm doing some labs regarding password cracking on Linux machines. I took the shadow file from one of my virtual machines and it looks like below:


From my understanding the most important piece regarding password cracking on linux are indicated below:
bruno ==> username
$1$ ==> Indicates MD5 type
mrVjnhtj ==> Salt
bg47WvwLXN4bZrUNCf1Lh. ==> Encrypted salted and hashed password.

In this specific case my password is "windows".

However, let suppose that I don't know the password. I found that there are lot of MD5 rainbow tables available out there, however, these rainbow tables do not accept "shadowed" MD5 hashes. So AFAIK, I'd need a tool to convert my shadowed hash "$1$mrVjnhtj$bg47WvwLXN4bZrUNCf1Lh." into a simple MD5 hash. And then run the pure MD5 hash against a rainbow table.

Can somebody confirm if this is procedure is the correct one for complex passwords? Also what tools could be used to do this convertion?

Note: A more complex password exame would be:

Any info will be very appreciated.


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pwconv(1M)						  System Administration Commands						pwconv(1M)

pwconv - installs and updates /etc/shadow with information from /etc/passwd SYNOPSIS
The pwconv command creates and updates /etc/shadow with information from /etc/passwd. pwconv relies on a special value of 'x' in the password field of /etc/passwd. This value of 'x' indicates that the password for the user is already in /etc/shadow and should not be modified. If the /etc/shadow file does not exist, this command will create /etc/shadow with information from /etc/passwd. The command populates /etc/shadow with the user's login name, password, and password aging information. If password aging information does not exist in /etc/passwd for a given user, none will be added to /etc/shadow. However, the last changed information will always be updated. If the /etc/shadow file does exist, the following tasks will be performed: Entries that are in the /etc/passwd file and not in the /etc/shadow file will be added to the /etc/shadow file. Entries that are in the /etc/shadow file and not in the /etc/passwd file will be removed from /etc/shadow. Password attributes (for example, password and aging information) that exist in an /etc/passwd entry will be moved to the corre- sponding entry in /etc/shadow. The pwconv command can only be used by the super-user. FILES
/etc/opasswd /etc/oshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
passwd(1), passmgmt(1M), usermod(1M), passwd(4), attributes(5) DIAGNOSTICS
pwconv exits with one of the following values: 0 SUCCESS. 1 Permission denied. 2 Invalid command syntax. 3 Unexpected failure. Conversion not done. 4 Unexpected failure. Password file(s) missing. 5 Password file(s) busy. Try again later. 6 Bad entry in /etc/shadow file. SunOS 5.10 9 Mar 1993 pwconv(1M)
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