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The Lounge War Stories Why am I persistent to be WRONG! Post 302588373 by admin_xor on Sunday 8th of January 2012 06:42:42 PM
Old 01-08-2012
What exactly happened by the way? Smilie

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Pod::Simple::PullParser(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			      Pod::Simple::PullParser(3pm)

Pod::Simple::PullParser -- a pull-parser interface to parsing Pod SYNOPSIS
my $parser = SomePodProcessor->new; $parser->set_source( "whatever.pod" ); $parser->run; Or: my $parser = SomePodProcessor->new; $parser->set_source( $some_filehandle_object ); $parser->run; Or: my $parser = SomePodProcessor->new; $parser->set_source( $document_source ); $parser->run; Or: my $parser = SomePodProcessor->new; $parser->set_source( @document_lines ); $parser->run; And elsewhere: require 5; package SomePodProcessor; use strict; use base qw(Pod::Simple::PullParser); sub run { my $self = shift; Token: while(my $token = $self->get_token) { ...process each token... } } DESCRIPTION
This class is for using Pod::Simple to build a Pod processor -- but one that uses an interface based on a stream of token objects, instead of based on events. This is a subclass of Pod::Simple and inherits all its methods. A subclass of Pod::Simple::PullParser should define a "run" method that calls "$token = $parser->get_token" to pull tokens. See the source for Pod::Simple::RTF for an example of a formatter that uses Pod::Simple::PullParser. METHODS
my $token = $parser->get_token This returns the next token object (which will be of a subclass of Pod::Simple::PullParserToken), or undef if the parser-stream has hit the end of the document. $parser->unget_token( $token ) $parser->unget_token( $token1, $token2, ... ) This restores the token object(s) to the front of the parser stream. The source has to be set before you can parse anything. The lowest-level way is to call "set_source": $parser->set_source( $filename ) $parser->set_source( $filehandle_object ) $parser->set_source( $document_source ) $parser->set_source( @document_lines ) Or you can call these methods, which Pod::Simple::PullParser has defined to work just like Pod::Simple's same-named methods: $parser->parse_file(...) $parser->parse_string_document(...) $parser->filter(...) $parser->parse_from_file(...) For those to work, the Pod-processing subclass of Pod::Simple::PullParser has to have defined a $parser->run method -- so it is advised that all Pod::Simple::PullParser subclasses do so. See the Synopsis above, or the source for Pod::Simple::RTF. Authors of formatter subclasses might find these methods useful to call on a parser object that you haven't started pulling tokens from yet: my $title_string = $parser->get_title This tries to get the title string out of $parser, by getting some tokens, and scanning them for the title, and then ungetting them so that you can process the token-stream from the beginning. For example, suppose you have a document that starts out: =head1 NAME Hoo::Boy::Wowza -- Stuff B<wow> yeah! $parser->get_title on that document will return "Hoo::Boy::Wowza -- Stuff wow yeah!". If the document starts with: =head1 Name Hoo::Boy::W00t -- Stuff B<w00t> yeah! Then you'll need to pass the "nocase" option in order to recognize "Name": $parser->get_title(nocase => 1); In cases where get_title can't find the title, it will return empty-string (""). my $title_string = $parser->get_short_title This is just like get_title, except that it returns just the modulename, if the title seems to be of the form "SomeModuleName -- description". For example, suppose you have a document that starts out: =head1 NAME Hoo::Boy::Wowza -- Stuff B<wow> yeah! then $parser->get_short_title on that document will return "Hoo::Boy::Wowza". But if the document starts out: =head1 NAME Hooboy, stuff B<wow> yeah! then $parser->get_short_title on that document will return "Hooboy, stuff wow yeah!". If the document starts with: =head1 Name Hoo::Boy::W00t -- Stuff B<w00t> yeah! Then you'll need to pass the "nocase" option in order to recognize "Name": $parser->get_short_title(nocase => 1); If the title can't be found, then get_short_title returns empty-string (""). $author_name = $parser->get_author This works like get_title except that it returns the contents of the "=head1 AUTHOR Paragraph... " section, assuming that that section isn't terribly long. To recognize a "=head1 Author Paragraph " section, pass the "nocase" otpion: $parser->get_author(nocase => 1); (This method tolerates "AUTHORS" instead of "AUTHOR" too.) $description_name = $parser->get_description This works like get_title except that it returns the contents of the "=head1 DESCRIPTION Paragraph... " section, assuming that that section isn't terribly long. To recognize a "=head1 Description Paragraph " section, pass the "nocase" otpion: $parser->get_description(nocase => 1); $version_block = $parser->get_version This works like get_title except that it returns the contents of the "=head1 VERSION [BIG BLOCK] " block. Note that this does NOT return the module's $VERSION!! To recognize a "=head1 Version [BIG BLOCK] " section, pass the "nocase" otpion: $parser->get_version(nocase => 1); NOTE
You don't actually have to define a "run" method. If you're writing a Pod-formatter class, you should define a "run" just so that users can call "parse_file" etc, but you don't have to. And if you're not writing a formatter class, but are instead just writing a program that does something simple with a Pod::PullParser object (and not an object of a subclass), then there's no reason to bother subclassing to add a "run" method. SEE ALSO
Pod::Simple Pod::Simple::PullParserToken -- and its subclasses Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken, Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken, and Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken. HTML::TokeParser, which inspired this. SUPPORT
Questions or discussion about POD and Pod::Simple should be sent to the pod-people@perl.org mail list. Send an empty email to pod-people-subscribe@perl.org to subscribe. This module is managed in an open GitHub repository, http://github.com/theory/pod-simple/ <http://github.com/theory/pod-simple/>. Feel free to fork and contribute, or to clone git://github.com/theory/pod-simple.git <git://github.com/theory/pod-simple.git> and send patches! Patches against Pod::Simple are welcome. Please send bug reports to <bug-pod-simple@rt.cpan.org>. COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMERS
Copyright (c) 2002 Sean M. Burke. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. AUTHOR
Pod::Simple was created by Sean M. Burke <sburke@cpan.org>. But don't bother him, he's retired. Pod::Simple is maintained by: o Allison Randal "allison@perl.org" o Hans Dieter Pearcey "hdp@cpan.org" o David E. Wheeler "dwheeler@cpan.org" perl v5.14.2 2012-05-23 Pod::Simple::PullParser(3pm)
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