Hi, does anyone know how to find files who have the last access time bigger than 5 min ago, in linux i use: find ./ -amin +5 -type f -maxdepth 1 -name "*.*"
but in hp-ux the find command doesn't have the -amin option.... (2 Replies)
I'm very new and dumb in linux. What I do is: I use putty to connect to the linux server.
I use auth.komtels.ru as a connection line
root and oP04Koh0 as a password
port 6262, and SSH protocol
now I need to get the list of the files, how could I do it? (1 Reply)
Hi Frens,
I want to list some files from a directory, which contains "DONE" in their name, i am receiving files every minute. In this i want to list all the files which are newer than 6 hours but older than 3 hours, of current time
i dont want my list to contain the latest files which are ... (4 Replies)
EDIT : This is for perl
@data2 = grep(/$data/, @list_now);
This gives me @data2 as
Printing data2 11 testzone1 running /zones/testzone1 ***-*****-****-*****-***** native shared
But I really cant access data2 by its individual elements.
$data2 is the entire list, while $data,2,3...... (1 Reply)
Hi, we have a problem recently with Sun Fire T200 server, when installing 10_SPARC_EIS-Jul09 patchbundle resulted for 14 hours of outage! Steps, that was done by me is pretty straightforward:
reboot -- -s
./installcluster --s10cluster
Then I made 1 reboot after kernel patch was installed... (10 Replies)
Hi Folks,
I need to remove log files for six hours on Solaris. before i used to do for every 24 hours below is the code for 1 day older log files, now i tried using -mmin +360 but it says command not found.
Can someone please help me out!!!
part of the code:
LOG_FILE=`find /home/Logdir... (1 Reply)
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
Here is the question:
Make a list of files in your home directory that were changed less that 10 hours ago,... (3 Replies)
Hi Experts,
Please help me in this.
I am trying this code on AIX 5.3.
I need list of jobs that executed in last 4 hours.
I have a schedule on this script - cron executes it and sends mail to me for every 2 hours.
I have a Job time and have around 100 jobs those execute daily.
What all i need... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: rajubollas
2 Replies
DLSYM(3) BSD Library Functions Manual DLSYM(3)NAME
dlsym -- get address of a symbol
#include <dlfcn.h>
dlsym(void* handle, const char* symbol);
dlsym() returns the address of the code or data location specified by the null-terminated character string symbol. Which libraries and bun-
dles are searched depends on the handle parameter.
If dlsym() is called with a handle, returned by dlopen() then only that image and any libraries it depends on are searched for symbol.
If dlsym() is called with the special handle RTLD_DEFAULT, then all mach-o images in the process (except those loaded with dlopen(xxx,
RTLD_LOCAL)) are searched in the order they were loaded. This can be a costly search and should be avoided.
If dlsym() is called with the special handle RTLD_NEXT, then dyld searches for the symbol in the dylibs the calling image linked against when
built. It is usually used when you intentionally have multiply defined symbol across images and want to find the "next" definition. It
searches other images for the definition that the caller would be using if it did not have a definition. The exact search algorithm depends
on whether the caller's image was linked -flat_namespace or -twolevel_namespace. For flat linked images, the search starts in the load
ordered list of all images, in the image right after the caller's image. For two-level images, the search simulates how the static linker
would have searched for the symbol when linking the caller's image.
If dlsym() is called with the special handle RTLD_SELF, then the search for the symbol starts with the image that called dlsym(). If it is
not found, the search continues as if RTLD_NEXT was used.
If dlsym() is called with the special handle RTLD_MAIN_ONLY, then it only searches for symbol in the main executable.
The dlsym() function returns a null pointer if the symbol cannot be found, and sets an error condition which may be queried with dlerror().
The symbol name passed to dlsym() is the name used in C source code. For example to find the address of function foo(), you would pass "foo"
as the symbol name. This is unlike the older dyld APIs which required a leading underscore. If you looking up a C++ symbol, you need to use
the mangled C++ symbol name.
SEE ALSO dlopen(3)dlerror(3)dyld(3)ld(1)cc(1)
August 28, 2008