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Full Discussion: memcpy error
Top Forums Programming memcpy error Post 302567021 by DreamWarrior on Friday 21st of October 2011 07:33:51 PM
Old 10-21-2011
Originally Posted by alister
No. It does not. It may, but nothing requires it. Small allocations may be handled by already resident pages. Large allocations are mmap'd and since those pages will be zeroed by the kernel, calloc doesn't need to touch them. None of the callocs in in any of the standard c libraries used by the popular open source unix flavors (I looked at Linux/glibc, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD) will call memset to zero a page which will already be zeroed by the kernel before being made available to the process.
And that's fine. It still seems to, on my systems, require the pages to be backed immediately and that's time consuming. It certainly still performs very similarly to malloc + memset. In fact, allocating 700 MB (all my poor laptop can handle without swapping) it is only 40ms faster than malloc + memset. While this is an eternity in computer time, given the total time for the calloc is about 700 ms, that meager 40 ms savings tells me that the bulk of the time is spent backing the pages, a job which both the first memset after a malloc and, apparently on my system, calloc need to do.
Originally Posted by alister
The most obvious explanation for why your system shows no difference between malloc+memset and calloc is that your c library's calloc is naive. Or perhaps your code is flawed. Or perhaps your kernel vm subsystem is prefaulting for some reason. Or perhaps your system's environment has enabled malloc/calloc options which affect their behavior (such as filling the allocation with "junk" or zeroes). Perhaps one of the bazillion linux kernel compile options is to blame. If it were my system, I'd look into it just to satisfy my curiosity.
I'm sure there are many reasons, but at work I'm not the sys admin, so I don't configure the systems. I just code effectively for the systems as configured. Further, my personal system is a stock Ubuntu system, an arguably popular *nix choice. So, any code I wrote for that would fall victim to calloc's performance.

My point is, to some extent, you can code either the system you're running on or an expected worse case. In my case, it happens to be I'm running on the worse case. That means, possibly, you may consider turning away from calloc.
Originally Posted by alister
Obviously. My point is only that under certain conditions malloc and calloc are practically identical (both will return zeroed memory without calling memset). See for yourself in the malloc.c source links I provided in an earlier post. You'll find that both are implemented using the same internal routines. Further, if you follow the code path for a large allocation, you'll see that a calloc never memsets (unless certain options which are disabled by default are enabled).
Splendid, but you're 0 for 3 on systems I have available to me. Those being two AIX machines at various O/S levels (5.3 and 6) and Ubuntu for which I provided a uname for prior and here's the libc version:
GNU C Library (Ubuntu EGLIBC 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.8) stable release version 2.11.1

While I know it's not you're job, nor am I asking you, to figure out why these systems don't perform as you say, I'm simply supplying information to show you that it's not like I'm running some obscure setup. If I wrote code that used calloc for large allocations on any of these I'd be doing myself a disservice over regular malloc, if I didn't need zero'd memory. Time and time again I've been making that point -- is it falling on deaf ears?
Originally Posted by alister
I must retract my earlier quarter of a second figure. I cannot reproduce it. I must have misread the value. Perhaps it was 2.50s instead of 0.25s.

Here's some code and timings from OS X running on a 2.16 GHz Core2Duo Macbook with 2 GB of 667 MHz DDR2 (similar results were observed using NetBSD on similar hardware). Without any command line arguments, the executable will attempt to calloc 1 GiB. With command line arguments, it will malloc and memset 1 GiB:

snip your code

Ok, well here's some code I wrote:
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ cat tst_mal.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <unistd.h>

typedef enum
} allocMethods_t;

typedef enum

} resetMethods_t;

typedef struct
	size_t		 sz;
	int		 allocMethod;
	int		 reset;
	int		 resetMethod;
	/* for reset in page mode */
	size_t		 rpmBlkSz;	/* here it's bytes */
	int		 rpmRptIvl;
} args_t;

typedef struct
	uint64_t	s;
	uint64_t	e;
} timeStat_t;

typedef enum
} setTimeStatOp_t;

typedef enum
} timeStatPrecsion_t;

#define DEFAULT_SZ		(1024 * 1024 * 512)	/* 512 MB */

static void _processArgs(int argc, char **argv, args_t *intoArgs);

static void resetPageTest(void *memPtr, args_t *args);

static void _setTimeStat(timeStat_t *setIn, setTimeStatOp_t op);
static double _getTimingFromTimeStat(timeStat_t *getFrom, timeStatPrecsion_t prec);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	args_t		 args =	{ .sz = DEFAULT_SZ,
				  .allocMethod = DEFAULT_ALLOC_METHOD,
				  .reset = 0,
				  .resetMethod = DEFAULT_RESET_METHOD,
				  .rpmBlkSz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE),
				  .rpmRptIvl = 0 };
	void		*p;
	timeStat_t	 tmStat, tmStatRt;

	_setTimeStat(&tmStatRt, STMOP_START);
	_processArgs(argc, argv, &args);
	printf("%s'ing %lu bytes...",
		args.allocMethod == ALLOCMETH_USE_CALLOC ? "calloc" : "malloc",
		(unsigned long) args.sz);
	_setTimeStat(&tmStat, STMOP_START);
	if (args.allocMethod == ALLOCMETH_USE_CALLOC)
		p = calloc(1, args.sz);
		p = malloc(args.sz);
	_setTimeStat(&tmStat, STMOP_END);
	if (p == NULL)
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	printf("OK.\nAllocated @ %p in %.2lfms\n",
		p, _getTimingFromTimeStat(&tmStat, TSPREC_MS));
	#define msetTst(opStr, val) \
		printf("%s memory...", opStr); fflush(stdout); \
		_setTimeStat(&tmStat, STMOP_START); \
		memset(p, val, args.sz); \
		_setTimeStat(&tmStat, STMOP_END); \
		printf("OK - done in %.2lfms.\n", \
			_getTimingFromTimeStat(&tmStat, TSPREC_MS));
	if (args.allocMethod == ALLOCMETH_USE_MALLOC_AND_MEMSET)
		msetTst("Memsetting", 0);
	if (args.reset)
		if (args.resetMethod == RESETMETH_USE_MEMSET)
			msetTst("Resetting", '*');
			resetPageTest(p, &args);
	#undef msetTst
	_setTimeStat(&tmStatRt, STMOP_END);
	printf("Done; executed in %.2lfs\n",
		_getTimingFromTimeStat(&tmStatRt, TSPREC_S));

static void _processArgs(int argc, char **argv, args_t *intoArgs)
	void _printUsage(int andDie)
		printf("Usage:  tst_mal <args>\n"
			   "  <args> =>\n"
			   "    -sz <size>[<unit>]      Set allocation size to <size>\n"
			   "                              <unit> => 'M', 'K', 'G'\n"
			   "                                        (bytes is default if not supplied)\n\n"
			   "    -am <method>            Set allocation method to <method>\n"
			   "                              <method> =>\n");
		#define prnAllocMeth(meth, methDesc) \
			printf("                                '%c' = %-20s%s\n", \
				meth, methDesc, meth == DEFAULT_ALLOC_METHOD ? "(default)" : "");
		prnAllocMeth(ALLOCMETH_USE_MALLOC, "Use malloc");
		prnAllocMeth(ALLOCMETH_USE_MALLOC_AND_MEMSET, "Use malloc + memset");
		prnAllocMeth(ALLOCMETH_USE_CALLOC, "Use calloc");
		#undef prnAllocMeth
		printf("    -reset                  Reset memory after initial allocation\n"
		       "    -rm <reset_method>      Sets the reset method to <reset_method>, only\n"
		       "                              useful if -reset is supplied\n"
		       "                              <reset_method> =>\n");
		#define prnResetMeth(meth, methDesc) \
			printf("                                '%c' = %-19s%s\n", \
				meth, methDesc, meth == DEFAULT_RESET_METHOD ? "(default)" : "");

		prnResetMeth(RESETMETH_USE_MEMSET, "Use memset");
		prnResetMeth(RESETMETH_USE_PAGE, "Use page alogirthm");
		#undef prnResetMeth
		       "    The following arguments are only useful if \"-reset -rm %c\" is supplied:\n\n" 
		       "    -rpm_blkKb <block_kb>   Sets size of a block (in K) as <block_kb>\n"
		       "                              default is the system page size\n"
		       "    -rpm_rptIvlS <ivl_s>    Sets seconds between reporting progress to <ivl_s>\n"
		       "                              Supply 0 to not report\n",
		if (andDie) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	int	i;
	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
		#define _getParm(arg, parm)	\
			i++; \
			if (i == argc) \
			{ \
				printf("Must supply <%s> for -%s\n\n", parm, arg); \
				_printUsage(1); \
		if (argv[i][0] == '-')
			if (strcmp(argv[i]+1, "sz") == 0)
				char	*e;
				_getParm("sz", "size");
				intoArgs->sz = strtoull(argv[i], &e, 10);
				if (*e != '\0')
					  	printf("Illegal <unit> %c given to -sz; ignored\n\n",
					  case 'G':	intoArgs->sz *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024;	break;
					  case 'M':	intoArgs->sz *= 1024 * 1024;		break;
					  case 'K':	intoArgs->sz *= 1024;				break;
			else if (strcmp(argv[i]+1, "am") == 0)
				_getParm("am", "method");
				if (argv[i][1] != '\0')
					goto illegalAllocMethod;	/* code reuse through goto; blasphemy! */
					printf("Illegal <method> %s given to -am\n\n",
				  	  intoArgs->allocMethod = argv[i][0];
			else if (strcmp(argv[i]+1, "reset") == 0)
				intoArgs->reset = 1;
			else if (strcmp(argv[i]+1, "rm") == 0)
				_getParm("rm", "reset_method");
				if (argv[i][1] != '\0')
					goto illegalResetMethod;
					printf("Illegal <reset_method> %s given to -rm\n\n",
				  	  intoArgs->resetMethod = argv[i][0];
			else if (strcmp(argv[i]+1, "rpm_blkKb") == 0)
				_getParm("rpm_blkKb", "block_kb");
				intoArgs->rpmBlkSz = strtoull(argv[i], NULL, 10) * 1024;
			else if (strcmp(argv[i]+1, "rpm_rptIvlS") == 0)
				_getParm("rpm_rptIvlS", "ivl_s");
				intoArgs->rpmRptIvl = atoi(argv[i]);
				if (strcmp(argv[i]+1, "?") != 0)
					printf("Unknown argument [%s]\n\n", argv[i]);
			printf("Illegal argument [%s]\n\n", argv[i]);
		#undef _getParm

static void resetPageTest(void *memPtr, args_t *args)
	timeStat_t	 tmStat;
	char		*cPtr;
	size_t		 numBlks;
	size_t		 curBlk;
	time_t		 tmS, tmC;
	_setTimeStat(&tmStat, STMOP_START);
	numBlks = args->sz / args->rpmBlkSz;
	tmS = 0;
	for (cPtr = memPtr, curBlk = 0;
		 curBlk < numBlks;
		 cPtr += args->rpmBlkSz, curBlk++)
		tmC = time(NULL);
		if (args->rpmRptIvl && tmC - tmS >= args->rpmRptIvl)
			printf("Setting block %lu of %lu\n",
				(unsigned long) curBlk, (unsigned long) numBlks);
			tmS = tmC;
		*cPtr = '\0';
	_setTimeStat(&tmStat, STMOP_END);
	printf("Page test (for block size %lu) complete in:  %.2lfms\n",
		(unsigned long) args->rpmBlkSz, _getTimingFromTimeStat(&tmStat, TSPREC_MS));

static void _setTimeStat(timeStat_t *setIn, setTimeStatOp_t op)
	struct timeval	 tv;
	uint64_t		*setP;
	gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
	  default: return;

	  case STMOP_START:	setP = &setIn->s; break;
	  case STMOP_END:	setP = &setIn->e; break;
	*setP = tv.tv_usec + tv.tv_sec * 1000000;

static double _getTimingFromTimeStat(timeStat_t *getFrom, timeStatPrecsion_t prec)
	double		precDiv;
	  default:	return (double) -1.0;

	  case TSPREC_US:	precDiv = 1.0;			break;
	  case TSPREC_MS:	precDiv = 1000.0;		break;
	  case TSPREC_S:	precDiv = 1000000.0;	break; 
	return ((double) (getFrom->e - getFrom->s)) / precDiv;
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ cc tst_mal.c -o tst_mal
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am c -sz 700m
calloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bbb9008 in 2976.96ms
Done; executed in 2.98s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am M -sz 700m
malloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bc1d008 in 0.14ms
Memsetting memory...OK - done in 791.18ms.
Done; executed in 0.79s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am c -sz 700m
calloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bbb1008 in 722.44ms
Done; executed in 0.72s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am M -sz 700m
malloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bbe7008 in 0.14ms
Memsetting memory...OK - done in 762.96ms.
Done; executed in 0.76s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am c -sz 700m
calloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bc65008 in 718.69ms
Done; executed in 0.72s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am M -sz 700m
malloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bc77008 in 0.14ms
Memsetting memory...OK - done in 766.16ms.
Done; executed in 0.77s

So, let's see, the first calloc took FOREVER (but, for the record, the first malloc+memset would have too for the O/S to put some pages together). Subsequent calloc and malloc+memset perform within 40-50ms as I alternate testing them.

How about a straight malloc, though represented and timed above, here's the program just doing that:
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am m -sz 700m
malloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bb1c008 in 0.14ms
Done; executed in 0.00s

dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am m -sz 2G
malloc'ing 2147483648 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x37782008 in 0.13ms
Done; executed in 0.00s

I don't think anyone's surprised though, right?

Now, let's see after we have all those pages put together, backed, and ready to go; what's a "memset" really take:
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am M -reset -sz 700m
malloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bc6f008 in 0.14ms
Memsetting memory...OK - done in 759.59ms.
Resetting memory...OK - done in 208.10ms.
Done; executed in 0.97s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am c -reset -sz 700m
calloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bc38008 in 726.57ms
Resetting memory...OK - done in 207.61ms.
Done; executed in 0.93s

Humm...so, about a third the time of the original allocation. Surprised? Well, I mean, it still sucks, so I certainly wouldn't go ahead and advocate calloc followed by a memset for 0, that'd just be dumb...oh wait, I never did!
Originally Posted by alister
That's your prerogative, but, for a large allocation with a reasonably recent C library, you're choosing to use memset to zero malloc'd memory that is probably already zeroed, instead of using calloc, which knows whether the memory is already zeroed and can avoid the overhead of a redundant memset.

So long as they're not aimed at my code, use your guns as you see fit.

HAHA, my friend, I believe I can code just fine. I know what I'm talking about, and I believe you do as well.

At the end of the day, I'm the one developing for my systems whose integrity I have to maintain. A 2 second calloc call would be disastrous in my environment. I can spread that over the duration of the code's runtime by calling malloc and gracefully filling in the memory as needed with useful values (which are almost never all zeros) and allow the O/S to more gracefully back the pages as each one is touched rather than immediately (which appears to be what calloc is doing on my systems).

Furthermore, if I haven't already driven home my point that calloc isn't good, we'll run the final test I've created in the suite. It simulates only touching part of each allocated page, something akin to what a sparse array may do. I'm mallocing some memory and then only using some of it. The key is, to do it on a machine that is overcome, in my case that's to allocate a gig when that's all the RAM I have. Here are some "normal" results:

dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am c -sz 700m -reset -rm p
calloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bbaf008 in 716.15ms
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  61.09ms
Done; executed in 0.78s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am c -sz 700m -reset -rm p
calloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bba6008 in 717.34ms
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  60.98ms
Done; executed in 0.78s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am c -sz 700m -reset -rm p
calloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bc41008 in 717.20ms
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  61.31ms
Done; executed in 0.78s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am m -sz 700m -reset -rm p
malloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bcac008 in 0.14ms
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  677.57ms
Done; executed in 0.68s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am m -sz 700m -reset -rm p
malloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bbd5008 in 0.14ms
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  670.40ms
Done; executed in 0.67s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am m -sz 700m -reset -rm p
malloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bb4f008 in 0.14ms
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  674.71ms
Done; executed in 0.68s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am c -sz 700m -reset -rm p
calloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bafe008 in 719.14ms
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  60.92ms
Done; executed in 0.78s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am c -sz 700m -reset -rm p
calloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bbd8008 in 716.25ms
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  61.62ms
Done; executed in 0.78s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am m -sz 700m -reset -rm p
malloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bb17008 in 0.14ms
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  673.26ms
Done; executed in 0.67s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am c -sz 700m -reset -rm p
calloc'ing 734003200 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x8bcba008 in 716.20ms
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  61.00ms
Done; executed in 0.78s

What you'll notice here is that the entire program time is consistently longer for calloc than malloc. If you figure that I'm using the system page size (and I am) I should be touching each page once, forcing each page to be physically created.

So, now lets thrash my poor laptop to death. It only has a gig, so this will do it, lots of swapping, and disc work....

dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am m -sz 1G -reset -rm p -rpm_rptIvlS 5
malloc'ing 1073741824 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x777ba008 in 0.13ms
Setting block 0 of 262144
Setting block 190686 of 262144
Setting block 204808 of 262144
Setting block 219368 of 262144
Setting block 235476 of 262144
Setting block 253338 of 262144
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  26537.83ms
Done; executed in 26.54s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am m -sz 1G -reset -rm p -rpm_rptIvlS 5
malloc'ing 1073741824 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x77798008 in 0.14ms
Setting block 0 of 262144
Setting block 219046 of 262144
Setting block 235146 of 262144
Setting block 244933 of 262144
Setting block 258882 of 262144
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  21310.03ms
Done; executed in 21.31s
dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am m -sz 1G -reset -rm p -rpm_rptIvlS 5
malloc'ing 1073741824 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x77713008 in 0.14ms
Setting block 0 of 262144
Setting block 228043 of 262144
Setting block 233084 of 262144
Setting block 243446 of 262144
Setting block 253290 of 262144
Setting block 260604 of 262144
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  24659.43ms
Done; executed in 24.66s

Now...wait for it.... I'll run the same code with the only difference being calloc was called to allocate the memory (you can see the code, right):

dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am c -sz 1G -reset -rm p -rpm_rptIvlS 5
calloc'ing 1073741824 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x7787d008 in 26556.11ms
Setting block 0 of 262144
Setting block 5480 of 262144
Setting block 9077 of 262144
Setting block 13079 of 262144
Setting block 16522 of 262144
Setting block 24810 of 262144
Setting block 36661 of 262144
Setting block 42406 of 262144
Setting block 54158 of 262144
Setting block 58628 of 262144
Setting block 76180 of 262144
Setting block 84026 of 262144
Setting block 97622 of 262144
Setting block 108027 of 262144
Setting block 116878 of 262144
Setting block 125458 of 262144
Setting block 127187 of 262144
Setting block 133809 of 262144
Setting block 140831 of 262144
Setting block 152345 of 262144
Setting block 161335 of 262144
Setting block 169500 of 262144
Setting block 174486 of 262144
Setting block 184043 of 262144
Setting block 188973 of 262144
Setting block 194954 of 262144
Setting block 201163 of 262144
Setting block 214170 of 262144
Setting block 222869 of 262144
Setting block 231034 of 262144
Setting block 240252 of 262144
Setting block 247003 of 262144
Setting block 254878 of 262144
Setting block 260254 of 262144
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  177205.24ms
Done; executed in 204.90s

Hummm...204 seconds, 10 times the malloc version! WHAT?! Now, what say you? Oh, and not to mention the fact that the calloc itself took about as long as the entire longest program run above!

Still convinced? Maybe your machines are different, I'm sure they are, but mine (and probably the reset of the Linux world running stock Ubuntu) work badly with calloc.

Oh, and the one that should arguably do the absolute worst, malloc + memset + the subsequent reset:

dreamwarrior@dreamwarrior-laptop:~/CStuff$ ./tst_mal -am M -sz 1G -reset -rm p -rpm_rptIvlS 5
malloc'ing 1073741824 bytes...OK.
Allocated @ 0x776ef008 in 0.14ms
Memsetting memory...OK - done in 32560.51ms.
Setting block 0 of 262144
Setting block 2216 of 262144
Setting block 6796 of 262144
Setting block 12435 of 262144
Setting block 26046 of 262144
Setting block 35270 of 262144
Setting block 42186 of 262144
Setting block 54684 of 262144
Setting block 62691 of 262144
Setting block 74020 of 262144
Setting block 87550 of 262144
Setting block 98919 of 262144
Setting block 107850 of 262144
Setting block 114000 of 262144
Setting block 121389 of 262144
Setting block 130370 of 262144
Setting block 140634 of 262144
Setting block 149115 of 262144
Setting block 157734 of 262144
Setting block 161347 of 262144
Setting block 165615 of 262144
Setting block 174104 of 262144
Setting block 176905 of 262144
Setting block 181753 of 262144
Setting block 188402 of 262144
Setting block 195635 of 262144
Setting block 201081 of 262144
Setting block 209574 of 262144
Setting block 218822 of 262144
Setting block 227971 of 262144
Setting block 236019 of 262144
Setting block 243988 of 262144
Setting block 250202 of 262144
Setting block 256309 of 262144
Page test (for block size 4096) complete in:  173445.75ms
Done; executed in 206.56s

Not even 2 seconds behind, and there's about that variation run to run with this stuff. Yep, calloc...certainly worth it on my box Smilie.

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memcpy segfaults, but not in windows

Hi Having a lil trouble with a rather simple application I'm writing. It so happens that I have to copy some data using memcpy() and so far I've been doing just fine compiling it with VC.Net and running it on Windows XP. Now I'm trying to port the thing to Solaris (which shouldn't really be too... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: khoma
3 Replies

3. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

awk Shell Script error : "Syntax Error : `Split' unexpected

hi there i write one awk script file in shell programing the code is related to dd/mm/yy to month, day year format but i get an error please can anybody help me out in this problem ?????? i give my code here including error awk ` # date-month -- convert mm/dd/yy to month day,... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: Herry
2 Replies

4. Programming

Problem with memcpy

Hi , I am having records in a file like 00412772784705041008FRUITFUL STRWBRRY 00412772784703041008FRUITFUL STRWBERE 00000570632801448078 X i have declared a structure like typedef struct { char Uname; char Pname; ... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: arunkumar_mca
4 Replies

5. AIX

nim mksysb error :/usr/bin/savevg[33]: 1016,07: syntax error

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, help me please. I am trying to create a mksysb bakup using nim. I am geting this error, how to correct it ? : Command : failed stdout: yes stderr: no... (9 Replies)
Discussion started by: astjen
9 Replies

6. Programming

Segmentation Fault by memcpy

Hello everybody, I'm coding a test program for ARP protocol, and i don't know why i'm getting a SIGSEGV, i traced it with gdb and it says it's due to the memcpy function from /lib/libc.so.6. Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0xb7e9e327 in memcpy () from /lib/libc.so.6 This... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: Zykl0n-B
5 Replies

7. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

> 5 ")syntax error: operand expected (error token is " error

im kinda new to shell scripting so i need some help i try to run this script and get the error code > 5 ")syntax error: operand expected (error token is " the code for the script is #!/bin/sh # # script to see if the given value is correct # # Define errors ER_AF=86 # Var is... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: metal005
4 Replies

8. Solaris

Rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Authentication error; why = Failed (unspecified error)

I have two servers with a fresh install of Solaris 11, and having problems when doing rpcinfo between them. There is no firewall involved, so everything should theoretically be getting through. Does anyone have any ideas? I did a lot of Google searches, and haven't found a working solution yet. ... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: christr
2 Replies

9. Shell Programming and Scripting

Undefined reference to memcpy@GLIBC_2.14

Dear All, I am trying to compile OpenFOAM-1.7.x in RHEL. I could not able to compile some of the applications because of libc version issues. It is saying undefined reference to memcpy@GLIBC_2.14 Can anybody look into it? Thanks & Regards, linuxUser_ (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: linuxUser_
3 Replies

10. UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers

Print Error in Console and both Error & Output in Log file - UNIX

I am writing a shell script with 2 run time arguments. During the execution if i got any error, then it needs to redirected to a error file and in console. Also both error and output to be redirected to a log file. But i am facing the below error. #! /bin/sh errExit () { errMsg=`cat... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: sarathy_a35
1 Replies
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