I've never heared of a login mechanism called SCSU. To my knowledge it stands for Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode.
What platform are you working on?
What do following commands show?
Newbie question....I was told that I can scsu into the server to use the sybase user??? Any explanation of scsu would be quite helpful?
Thanks! (2 Replies)
What is the difference between the C and C++. And what new features is added in the C++.then C Programming in the UNIX Environmnet.
www.hytechpro.com (2 Replies)
Hi All,
I have written a script to do ftp.
cd /data/mgr/
ftp -nv $HOST <<"EOT"
quote user abc
quote pass abc
cd /sdata
mget PQR.TXT
but the problem is i do not have permission to copy the file in target folder. I need to use SCSU to login as... (0 Replies)
I don't understand the difference between
if ]
if ]
for me
if ];then OR if ];then
echo "strings are same"
echo "strings are different" (7 Replies)
Is there any way to differentiate if a user is logged directly into a UNIX functional account or if they have scsu'ed into the functional account?
Paul (2 Replies)
I think both write at the end of the file ......
but is there a sharp difference between those 2 instruction .....
thank you
this is my 3rd question today forgive me :D (1 Reply)
I'm reworking tui-dd atm, and having a similar issue with a 'weird formated tempfile'.
I've already applied what seemed to help from: https://www.unix.com/unix-for-dummies-questions-and-answers/261156-awk-should-work-shouldnt-2.html
However, it is weird...
The mini-dd works as... (2 Replies)
In the awk I am trying to subtract the difference $3-$2 of each matching $4 before the first _ (underscore) and print that value in $13.
I think the awk will do that, but added comments. What I am not sure off is how to add a line or lines that will add sum each matching $13 value and put it in... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: cmccabe
2 Replies
pgmtexture(1) General Commands Manual pgmtexture(1)NAME
pgmtexture - calculate textural features on a portable graymap
pgmtexture [-d d] [pgmfile]
Reads a portable graymap as input. Calculates textural features based on spatial dependence matrices at 0, 45, 90, and 135 degrees for a
distance d (default = 1). Textural features include:
(1) Angular Second Moment,
(2) Contrast,
(3) Correlation,
(4) Variance,
(5) Inverse Difference Moment,
(6) Sum Average,
(7) Sum Variance,
(8) Sum Entropy,
(9) Entropy,
(10) Difference Variance,
(11) Difference Entropy,
(12, 13) Information Measures of Correlation, and
(14) Maximal Correlation Coefficient.
Algorithm taken from:
Haralick, R.M., K. Shanmugam, and I. Dinstein. 1973. Textural features for image classification. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybertinetics, SMC-3(6):610-621.
The program can run incredibly slow for large images (larger than 64 x 64) and command line options are limited. The method for finding
(14) the maximal correlation coefficient, which requires finding the second largest eigenvalue of a matrix Q, does not always converge.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybertinetics, SMC-3(6):610-621.
SEE ALSO pgm(5), pnmcut(1)AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 1991 by Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, employer for hire of James Darrell McCauley.
22 Aug 1991 pgmtexture(1)