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Full Discussion: [SOLVED] Changing file names
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting [SOLVED] Changing file names Post 302559563 by kristinu on Tuesday 27th of September 2011 01:11:05 PM
Old 09-27-2011
[SOLVED] Changing file names

I have written a csh script that changes the name of file from src to dst.

I am getting the error below:

set: Variable name must begin with a letter.

The csh script is:

#  --Module----------------------------------------------------------------
#                           manipulate-files.csh
#    Manipulates files (including file names and contents).
#  --Operations------------------------------------------------------------
#    manipulate-files.csh [options]
#    Options:
#      --rmfiles=str
#      Remove files matching string in file name.
#      --rmlines=str
#      Remove lines matching string in a file.
#      --mvfiles=src/dst
#      Replace source with dest in the file names.
#      --mvlines=src/dst
#      Replace source with dest in a file.
#      -c, --commit
#      Commit the change.
#      -r, --replace
#      Commit the change.
#      -v, --verbose
#      Print information on what is happening.
#      -u, --usage
#      Print options.
#      -e, --examples
#      Print examples.
#      -h, --help
#      Print full description.
#      chmod -R 777 dir_name/ 
#      Tells the system how much access it should permit to all files and
#      directories respectively.
#      chmod Options:
#       u   Sets permissions for the owner of the file,
#           e.g.: "u+w" allows the owner to write to the file
#       g   Sets permissions for the group (to which owner belongs),
#           e.g. "g-x" suppresses the execution of the file by the group
#       o   Sets permissions for other users (that are not in group),
#           e.g.: "o=r" allows others only to read the file
#       a   Sets permissions for all (owner, group and others),
#           e.g.: "a-w" disables write access to the file for everyone
#       =   Assigns the permissions,
#           e.g. "a=rw", sets read and write permissions and disables execution
#           for all
#       -   Removes certain thing[s] from the permissions, keeping all other
#           (not involved) permissions.
#           e.g. "a-x" disables execution of the file for everyone, this example doesn't touch read and write permissions.
#       +   Adds certain thing[s] to the permissions, keeping all other
#           (not involved) permissions.
#           e.g. "a+x" allows execution of the file for everyone, this example
#           doesn't touch read and write permissions.
#       r   Sets read permissions
#       w   Sets write permissions
#       x   Sets execute permissions
#      -R, --recursive
#           Change files and directories recursively
#  --Examples--------------------------------------------------------------
#    /pth/manipulate-files.csh
#  --Note------------------------------------------------------------------
#    Matching patterns:
#    Instead of: set match = `echo $f | grep $fsrc`
#    one can use: set match = `echo $f | awk -v src=$fsrc '$0 ~ src'`
#    find path -name "*.fext" -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
#    find path [expression]
#    -exec command
#    Execute command; true if 0 status is returned. All  following
#      arguments to find are taken to be arguments to the command until
#      an argument consisting of ";" is encountered.  The  string  "{}"
#      is  replaced by the current file name being processed everywhere
#      it occurs in the arguments to the command, not just in arguments
#      where  it  is alone, as in some versions of find.  Both of these
#      constructions might need to be escaped (with a "\") or quoted to
#      protect them from expansion by the shell.  See the EXAMPLES sec-
#      tion for examples of the use of the "-exec" option.  The    speci-
#      fied  command is run once for each matched file.    The command is
#      executed in the  starting  directory.    There  are  unavoidable
#      security    problems  surrounding  use  of    the  -exec option; you
#      should use the -execdir option instead.
#  --History---------------------------------------------------------------
#    V01 - JAN 2011 - Christopher Dimech
#          Initial release.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Set echo to recognize both the -n flag and backslashed escape sequences
set echo_style = "both"

# Set bc for numeric calculations
alias MATH 'set \!:1 = `echo "\!:3-$" | bc -l`'

set iarg = 0
set opt_rmfiles = 0
set opt_rmlines = 0
set opt_mvfiles = 0
set opt_mvlines = 0
set opt_commit = 0
set opt_replace = 0
set opt_ftag = 0
set opt_verbose = 0
set opt_usage = 0
set opt_examples = 0
set opt_help = 0

set Aftag = ""
set Armfiles = ""
set Armlines = ""

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set AfullnamesLst = ""
set fullnamesLst = ""
set narg = $#argv
while ($iarg < $narg)

  MATH iarg = $iarg + 1
  set arg = $argv[$iarg]
  set opt = `echo $arg | awk 'BEGIN {FS="="} {print $1}'`
  set par = `echo $arg | awk 'BEGIN {FS="="} {print $2}'`

  switch ($opt)

  case "--rmf":
  case "--rmfiles":
echo "TESTArmfiles"
    set Armfiles = $par
    set opt_rmfiles = 1

  case "--rml":
  case "--rmlines":
echo "TESTArmlines"
    set Armlines = $par
    set opt_rmlines = 1

  case "--mvf":
  case "--mvfiles":
echo "TESTAmvfiles"
    set Amvfiles = $par
    set opt_mvfiles = 1
echo "DONE TESTAmvfiles"

  case "--mvl":
  case "--mvlines":
echo "TESTAmvlines"
    set Amvlines = $par
    set opt_mvlines = 1

  case "-c":
  case "--commit":
echo "TESTcommit"
    set opt_commit = 1

  case "-r":
  case "--replace":
echo "TESTreplace"
    set opt_replace = 1

  case "-t":
  case "--tag":
echo "TESTtag"
    set opt_ftag = 1

  case "-v":
  case "--verbose":
echo "TESTverbose"
    set opt_verbose = 1

  case "-u":
  case "--usage":
echo "TESTusage"
    set opt_usage = 1

  case "-e":
  case "--examples":
echo "TESTexamples"
    set opt_example = 1

  case "-h":
  case "--help":
echo "TESThelp"
    set opt_help = 1

echo "TESTAfullnamesLst"
echo "$arg"
    set AfullnamesLst = "$AfullnamesLst $arg"


end   # while

echo "HELLLO"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

set Version = "V01"
set fcsh = "/pth/manipulate-files.csh"
set arg1 = "[(-rmf, --rmfiles)=string] [(-rml, --rmlines)=string]"
set arg2 = "[(-mvf, --mvfiles)=source/dest] [(-mvl, -mvlines)=source/dest]"
set arg3 = "[-c, --commit] [-v, --verbose] [-u, --usage] [-e, --examples]"
set arg4 = "[-h, --help]"
set usg1 = "$fcsh $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4"

set eg1 = "$fcsh --mvfiles=npt02/n02 *.txt -v --commit -v"
set eg2 = "$fcsh --mvlines=Diag/diag *.txt --commit -v"
set eg3 = "$fcsh --rmfiles=xy *.txt --commit -v"
set eg4 = "$fcsh --rmlines=Diag *.txt --commit -v"

if ($opt_usage == 1) then
  echo "\n $usg1\n"
  exit 0

if ($opt_examples == 1) then
  echo "\n $eg1\n $eg2\n $eg3\n $eg4\n"
  exit 0

if (($opt_help == 1) || ($narg == 0)) then
  echo ""
  echo "##################################################################"
  echo "*                                                               *"
  echo "*  /tommy/csh/manipulate-files.csh                              *"
  echo "*                                                               *"
  echo "*  Manipulates files (moving, deleting).                        *"
  echo "*                                                               *"
  echo "##################################################################"
  echo ""
  echo "  OPTIONS:"
  echo ""
  echo "    --mvfiles=src/dst"
  echo "    Replace file names matching src with dst."
  echo ""
  echo "    --mvlines=src/dst"
  echo "    Replace lines matching src with dst."
  echo ""
  echo "    --rmfiles=str"
  echo "    Remove files matching str in file name."
  echo ""
  echo "    --rmlines=str"
  echo "    Remove lines matching str in the file."
  echo ""
  echo "    -c, --commit"
  echo "    Commit the change."
  echo ""
  echo "    -r, --replace"
  echo "    Replace (overwrite) the file."
  echo ""
  echo "    -v, --verbose"
  echo "    Print information on what is happening."
  echo ""
  echo "    -u, --usage"
  echo "    Print usage."
  echo ""
  echo "    -e, --examples"
  echo "    Print examples."
  echo ""
  echo "    -h, --help"
  echo "    Print full description."
  echo ""
  echo "  --Examples------------------------------------------------------"
  echo ""
  echo "\n  $eg1\n  $eg2\n  $eg3\n  $eg4\n"
  exit 0

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Check for invalid filenames. cerr1 and cerr2 are non-empty for invalid
# arguments

set ierr = 0
set AierrLst = ""
foreach f ($AfullnamesLst)
  set cerr = `echo $f | awk '/^-|=/'`
  if ("$cerr" != "") then                # Matches '-' at beginning or '='.
    set Aierr_list = "$AierrLst $f"
    set ierr = 1

# Prints unrecognised arguments
if ($ierr == 1) then
  echo ""
  foreach f ($AierrLst)
    echo "\nERROR. Unrecognised argument: $f"
  echo ""
  exit 1

if ($opt_mvfiles == 1) then
  echo "\nAmvfiles: $Amvfiles"
  set n = `echo $Amvfiles | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} {print NF}'`
  if ($n == 1) then
    echo "\nERROR. --mvfiles takes two string arguments.\n"
    exit 1

if ($opt_mvlines == 1) then
  set n = `echo $Amvlines | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} {print NF}'`
  if ($n == 1) then
    echo "\nERROR. --mvlines takes two string arguments.\n"
    exit 1

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

set fullnamesLst = "$AfullnamesLst"

if ($opt_mvfiles == 1) then
  set fsrc = `echo $Amvfiles | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} {print $1}'`
  set fdst = `echo $Amvfiles | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} {print $2}'`

if ($opt_mvlines == 1) then
  set lsrc = `echo $Amvlines | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} {print $1}'`
  set ldst = `echo $Amvlines | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} {print $2}'`

set rmFPattern = ""
if ($opt_rmfiles == 1) set rmFPattern = $Armfiles

set rmLPattern = ""
if ($opt_rmlines == 1) set rmLPattern = $Armlines

set tag = ""
if ($opt_ftag == 1) set tag = $Aftag

if ($opt_ftag == 0) set tag = "new"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if ($opt_verbose == 1) then
  echo "##################################################################"
  echo ""
  echo "               manipulate-files.csh"
  echo ""
  echo "  Manipulates files (moving, deleting)"
  echo ""
  echo "##################################################################"

  echo "  manipulate-files.csh [options]"

  if ($opt_mvfiles == 1) then
    echo "Replace file names matching '$fsrc' with '$fdst'.\n"
    echo "Commands to run:\n"
    foreach f ($fullnamesLst)
      set match = `echo $f | grep $fsrc`
      echo "match = .$match. $f $fsrc"
      if ("$match" != "") then  # filename matches fsrc.
        set fname = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $1}'`
        set fext = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $2}'`
        set fout = `echo $f | awk -v src=$fsrc -v dst=$fdst  \
            '{sub(src,dst); print}'`
        echo "  mv $f $fout"
      else                      # filename does not match fsrc.
        echo "WARNING: '$f' does not match '$fsrc'"
    echo ""

  if ($opt_mvlines == 1) then
    echo "Replace lines matching '$lsrc' with '$ldst'.\n"
    echo "Commands to run:\n"
    foreach f ($fullnamesLst)
      set match = `grep $lsrc $f`
      echo "$match"
      set fname = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $1}'`
      set fext = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $2}'`
      set fout = "${fname}-${tag}.${fext}"
      echo "  awk -v src=$lsrc -v dst=$ldst '{gsub(src,dst); print}' $f > $fout"
      if ($opt_replace == 1) echo "  mv $fout $f\n"
    if ($opt_replace == 0) echo ""

  if ($opt_rmfiles == 1) then
    echo "Delete files matching $rmFPattern.\n"
    echo "Commands to run:\n"
    echo "  find . -name "\"\*"$rmFPattern"\*\"" -exec rm -f {} \;\n"

  if ($opt_rmlines == 1) then
    echo "Remove lines matching $rmLPattern.\n"
    echo "Commands to run:\n"
    foreach f ($fullnamesLst)
      set match = `grep $lsrc $f`
      echo "$match"
      set fname = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $1}'`
      set fext = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $2}'`
      set fout = "${fname}-${tag}${fext}"
      echo "  grep -v "$rmLPattern" $f > $fout"
      if ($opt_replace == 1) echo "  mv $fout > $f\n"
    if ($opt_replace == 0) echo ""


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

if ($opt_commit == 1) then

  # Replace file names matching '$fsrc' with '$fdst'.
  if ($opt_mvfiles == 1) then
    foreach f ($fullnamesLst)
      set match = `echo $f | grep $fsrc`
      if ("$match" != "") then  # filename matches fsrc.
        set fname = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $1}'`
        set fext = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $2}'`
        set fout = "${fname}-${tag}${fext}"
        set fnew = `echo $f | awk -v src=$fsrc -v dst=$fdst  \
            '{sub(src,dst); print}'`
        if ($opt_replace == 1) mv $f $fout
      else                      # filename does not match fsrc.
        echo "WARNING: '$f' does not match '$fsrc'"
    end  # foreach

  # Replace lines matching '$lsrc' with '$ldst'.
  if ($opt_mvlines == 1) then
    foreach f ($fullnamesLst)
      set fname = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $1}'`
      set fext = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $2}'`
      set fout = "${fname}-${tag}.${fext}"
      awk -v src=$lsrc -v dest=$ldst '{ gsub(src,dst); print }' $f > $fout
      if ($opt_replace == 1) mv $fout $f

  # Delete files matching $rmFPattern.
  if ($opt_rmfiles == 1) find . -name "*$rmFPattern*" -exec rm -f {} \;

  # Remove lines matching $rmLPattern.
  if ($opt_rmlines == 1) then
    foreach f ($fullnamesLst)
      set fname = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $1}'`
      set fext = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $2}'`
      set fout = "${fname}-${tag}${fext}"
      grep -v "$rmLPattern" $f > $fout
      if ($opt_replace == 1) mv $fout $f

endif  # ($opt_commit == 1)


#foreach f ($fullnames_list)
#  set cerr = `echo $f | awk '/^-|=/'`
#  if ("$cerr" != "") set ierr = 1
#  if ($ierr == 1) then
#    echo "\n ERROR: Unrecognised argument: $f\n"
#    exit 1
#  endif

# File extensions that have permission to be deleted.
#set fext_list = "xz xy ps"

#set rmlines = `echo $Armlines | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $1}'`
#set rmfiles = `echo $Armfiles | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $1}'`

#set fullname_list = ""
#set fname_list = ""
#set fext_list = ""

#foreach f (Afullnames_list)
#  set fname = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $1}'`
#  set fext = `echo $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} {print $2}'`
#  set fullname_list = "$fullname_list $f"
#  set fname_list = "$fname_list $fname"
#  set fext_list = "$fext_list $fext"

#if (($opt_commit == 0) && ($opt_rmlines == 1)) then
#  foreach f ($fnames_list)
#    set fout = "$f-cln"
#    echo "grep -v \"$rmlines\" $f.log > $fout.log"
#  end

#if (($opt_commit == 0) && ($opt_rmfiles == 1)) then
#  foreach f (fext_list)
#    if ($ == $f) then
#      echo "find . -name \"*.$rmfiles\" -exec rm -f {} \;"
#    else
#      echo "Script does not allow the deletion of $f files"
#    endif
#  end

#set fext_list = "xz xy ps"

#if ($opt_rmlines == 1) then
#  foreach f ($fnames_list)
#    grep -v "$lineptn" $f.log > $f-cln.log
#  end

#set files = `find . -name "*.$fileptn"`

# Removes (deletes) files matching pattern
#if ($opt_rmfiles == 1) then
#  foreach f (fext_list)
#    if ($ == $f) then
#      find . -name "*.$fileptn" -exec rm -f {} \;
#    else
#      echo "Script does not allow the deletion of $f files"
#    endif
#  end


---------- Post updated at 12:11 PM ---------- Previous update was at 11:16 AM ----------

Problem solved. Needed grep --

Last edited by radoulov; 09-27-2011 at 04:45 PM.. Reason: Marked as solved.

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