Hi Sir,
I am running C program which include directfb.h header files.
root@lxdevenv:~/Desktop# vi n.c
root@lxdevenv:~/Desktop# gcc n.c -o n -I/usr/local/include/directfb -L/usr/local/lib -ldirectfb -lfusion -ldirect -lpthread -lm
n.c: In function ‘main':... (2 Replies)
Hi, I have a very large, very old FORTRAN code that I work with. The code is quite messy and I was wondering if I can speed up execution time by finding subroutines that code execution spends the most time in. Is there any kind of software I can use to see where the code spends most of the... (1 Reply)
hi All,
we have a script to remove the files from particular path,when we tryingto run manually the script went to success and removed the files but the same script which is running by other team it got failed and giving the error "2 (RC)2 "..what is the cause of the failure..and we passing the... (2 Replies)
Hi there,
I had run into some fortran code to modify. Obviously, it was written without thinking of high performance computing and not parallelized... Now I would like to make the code "on track" and parallel. After a whole afternoon thinking, I still cannot find where to start. Can any one... (3 Replies)
I am using doxygen for documenting my fortran code.
I want to write some notes after the header in different parts of the subroutine. Any idea what the tags should be as anything I write after the header is not displayed
... (0 Replies)
I have the code below and I want to remove the "go to" statements. Any idea how I can do it?
if (iorder == 0) then
tmincurrent = 1.0e11
if(ireverse == 0 .or. istop /= 1) then
do i = 1, 6
if ((side(i) /= sidelimit(i)) .and. (tminside(i) < tmincurrent)) then
... (1 Reply)
Hi guys,
After compiling a .f90 code and executing it, i get strange characters in the output file like :
Are these windows characters? how can i get rid of this?
Much appreciated.
Paul (1 Reply)
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
I'm doing aproximation of derivative called five-point stencil. For every value of x, in interval , in step... (0 Replies)
I have a Fortran program and I am writing out to logical unit 7. The program is reading from a text file and writing to the new file formatted. It gets through the read and writes some to the file but then stops with the following error:
1525-013 The sequential WRITE statement cannot be... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: KathyB148
5 Replies
binfmtf(1) binfmt_C binfmtf(1)NAME
binfmtf-interpreter - binfmt_misc fortran handler
binfmtf-interpreter fortran-source-file-name [command-line opions ...]
binfmtf-interpreter compiles a fortran source file specified on the command-line using the g77 compiler, and executes the resulting file.
It is designed to be used as a handler for binfmt_misc handler, which is a system used in Linux for handling arbitrary files as executa-
The command-line options are passed on to the compiled binary.
There is a requirement for Fortran source files to have the magic characters c BINFMTF: at the beginning of the file.
That line also is used to specify the additional command-line options for Fortran compiler.
G77 The compiler used. The default is to use g77
Temporary directory used for binary and execution.
Falls back to $TMPDIR $TEMPDIR or /tmp
enables debug output if set.
Additional G77 options. Use BINFMTC_DEBUG to verify the options being passed on to g77.
The default is -O2 -Wall
Junichi Uekawa (dancer@debian.org)
Upstream page is available at http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/software/
SEE ALSO binfmtasm-interpreter(1), binfmtc-interpreter(1), binfmtcxx-interpreter(1), binfmtf95-interpreter(1), binfmtgcj-interpreter(1)binfmt_misc Dancer 2005 Jun 4 binfmtf(1)