Script to read file size and send email only if size > 0.
Hi Experts,
I have a script like
This script sends a message even if "Schemaerr.txt" file is empty/zero bytes.
Need to modify the above script so that it send message only if "Schemaerr.txt" size is > 0 or non-empty.
Please advice.
Last edited by Scott; 04-28-2011 at 01:17 PM..
Reason: Please use code tags
I'm using IBM AIX 5.2 to send file with ftp to other unix machine.
The command is into a shell:
ftp -n > outFtp 2> errFtp <<PARAM
open $2
user $3 $4
put $1 $remote
then i look at the size of errFtp and outFtp to see if there are some error message.... (4 Replies)
I want to create a script that emails a file created by Informix Ace if the file size is > 0. It is a list of exceptions. No message
This does not work:
THESIZE=`ls -lA /tmp/ds_treo.txt | awk -F' ' '{print $5}'`
(cat $DSDIR/ds_treo.txt) | mail -s "Treo... (1 Reply)
hi all,
in my server there are some specific application files which are spread through out the server... these are spread in folders..sub-folders..chid folders...
please help me, how can i find the total size of these specific files in the server... (3 Replies)
We currently have an Oracle database running and it is creating lots of processes in the /proc directory that are 1000M in size. The size of the /proc directory is now reading 26T. How can this be if the root file system is only 13GB?
I have seen this before we an Oracle temp file... (6 Replies)
#This script is being used for AOK application for cleaning up the .out files and zip it under logs directory.
# Created
#For pdocap201/pdoca202 .out files for AOK
#1.... (0 Replies)
I have a file like this. I need to ues this file to send emails to the appropriate ID/group.
For instance in the first line
- Subject should be --> "A1.csv - ABC"
- Body should be --> File A1.csv has changed.
- Email should be sent to,
... (1 Reply)
I have been searching both on and Google and have not been able to find the answer to my question. I think it is partly because I can't come up with the right search terms.
Recently, my virtual server switched storage devices and I think the problem may be related to that change.... (2 Replies)
HI Team,
I am working on reading hive table and send email in email body using shell script, can you please help on fixing the errors: I have 6 columns in my hive table and trying to send the email in the mail body.
below script:
hive -e 'SELECT count(*) from db.table' >... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: Mi4304
4 Replies
PREZIP-BIN(1) Aspell Abbreviated User's Manual PREZIP-BIN(1)NAME
prezip-bin - prefix zip delta word list compressor/decompressor
prezip-bin [ -V | -d | -z ]
prezip-bin compresses/decompresses sorted word lists from standard input to standard output.
Prezip-bin is similar to word-list-compress(1) but it allows a larger character set of {0x00...0x09, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0E...0xFF} and
multi-words larger than 255 characters in length. It can also decompress word-list-compress(1) compatible files.
Prezip-bin accepts only one of these commands.
-V Display prezip-bin version number to standard output.
-d Read a compressed word list from standard input and decompress it to standard output. This can be a word-list-compress(1) or a
prezip-bin compressed file.
-z Read a binary word list from standard input and compress it to standard output.
prezip-bin -d <wordlist.cwl >wordlist.txt
Decompress file wordlist.cwl to text file wordlist.txt
prezip-bin -z <wordlist.txt >wordlist.pz 2>errors.txt
Compress wordlist.txt to binary file wordlist.pz and send any error messages to a text file named errors.txt
LC_COLLATE=C sort -u <wordlist.txt | prezip-bin -z >wordlist.pz
Sort a word list, then pipe it to prezip-bin to create a compressed binary wordlist.pz file.
prezip-bin -d <words.pz | aspell create master ./words.rws
Decompress a wordlist, then pipe it to aspell(1) to create a spelling list. Please check the aspell(1) info manual for proper usage
and options.
Prezip-bin is best used with sorted word list type files. It is not a general purpose compression program since resulting files may actu-
ally increase in size.
Unlike word-list-compress(1) if your word list has leading or trailing blank spaces for formatting purposes, you should remove them first
before you compress your list using prezip-bin -z , otherwise those spaces will be included in the compressed binary output.
Prezip-bin normally exits with a return code of 0. If it encounters an error, a message is sent to standard error output (stderr), and
prezip-bin exits with a non-zero return value. Error messages are listed below:
(display help/usage message)
Unknown command given on the command line so prezip-bin displays a usage message to standard error output.
unknown format
The input file appears not to be an expected format, or may possibly be a more advanced format. The output file will be empty.
corrupt input
This is only for the decompression command -d. The input file appeared to be of a correct format, but something appears wrong now.
There may be some valid data in output, but due to input corruption, the rest of the file can not be completed.
unexpected EOF
The input file appeared okay but ended sooner than expected, therefore the output file is not complete.
SEE ALSO aspell(1), run-with-aspell(1), word-list-compress(1)
Aspell is fully documented in its Texinfo manual. See the `aspell' entry in info for more complete documentation.
For help, see the Aspell homepage at <>. Send bug reports/comments to the Aspell user list at the above address.
This info page was written by Jose Da Silva <>.
prezip-bin-0.1.2 2005-09-30 PREZIP-BIN(1)