i'm new to shell scripting and have a problem please help me
in the script i have a nawk block which has a variable count
print count
now i want to access the value of the count variable outside the awk block,like..
s=`expr count / m`
(m is... (5 Replies)
hello everyone....
script is: To convert the contents of a database file into uppercase
my code is:
printf "%s\n" , $2 | awk '{print toupper($2)}' emp.lst
i m able to do only for one field.....didn't get any sources for handling multiple fields.
please suggest me for multiple... (1 Reply)
I have a report which contains the following:
Count Value %
47 69.12
18 26.47
3 4.41
I want to grep the total on the bottom brackets and store in a variable. However this may have a different figure everyday.
To read the i do:
... (1 Reply)
I would like to read if the first letter of a line in a first file (gauche.txt) is uppercase or lowercase, and change consequently the first letter of the corresponding line in the second file (droiteInit.txt).
I have done this but it won't work (I launch this using gawk -f... (16 Replies)
Below work fine, whenever any character puts, however if we use "(", it's not working.
echo 'Sau(rabh is Nice' | nawk -v a="Saurabh" '{print substr($1,1,match($1, "u"))}'
Not working
echo 'Sau(rabh is Nice' | nawk -v a="Saurabh" '{print... (3 Replies)
I am learning awk and faced few queries. Kindly suggest on the same. Where it is wrong.
$ awk '{if (toupper($1) ~ /a/) print $0}' inv
$ awk '{if (toupper($1) ~ /A/) print $0}' inv -- Why this output
Jan 13 25 15 115
Mar 15 24 34 228
Apr 31 52 63 420
May 16 34 29 208... (6 Replies)
#ifconfig -a | nawk '/{print}'
inet netmask xxxxxxxxx broadcast
If i assign the ip to a variable and search for the variable nothing gets printed!!
# ifconfig -a | nawk -v ip= '/ip/{print}'
I am not able to understand why this is happening! (6 Replies)
I'm trying to reformat some badly formatted XML that I've extracted from Oracle clob columns using the following nawk command:
nawk '{gsub(/</,/>\n/); print}' test.raw > test.xml
the substitution executes fine, but instead of subbing < with > followed by newline, it subs the < with a... (3 Replies)
Hi.. i am running nawk scripts on solaris system to get records of file1 not in file2 and find duplicate records in a while with the following scripts -compare
nawk 'NR==FNR{a++;next;} !a {print"line"FNR $0}' file1 file2duplicate - nawk '{a++}END{for(i in a){if(a-1)print i,a}}' file1in the middle... (12 Replies)
Discussion started by: Abhiraj Singh
12 Replies
ucblinks(1B) SunOS/BSD Compatibility Package Commands ucblinks(1B)NAME
ucblinks - adds /dev entries to give SunOS 4.x compatible names to SunOS 5.x devices
/usr/ucb/ucblinks [-e rulebase] [-r rootdir]
ucblinks creates symbolic links under the /dev directory for devices whose SunOS 5.x names differ from their SunOS 4.x names. Where possi-
ble, these symbolic links point to the device's SunOS 5.x name rather than to the actual /devices entry.
ucblinks does not remove unneeded compatibility links; these must be removed by hand.
ucblinks should be called each time the system is reconfiguration-booted, after any new SunOS 5.x links that are needed have been created,
since the reconfiguration may have resulted in more compatibility names being needed.
In releases prior to SunOS 5.4, ucblinks used a nawk rule-base to construct the SunOS 4.x compatible names. ucblinks no longer uses nawk
for the default operation, although nawk rule-bases can still be specifed with the -e option. The nawk rule-base equivalent to the SunOS
5.4 default operation can be found in /usr/ucblib/ucblinks.awk.
OPTIONS -e rulebase Specify rulebase as the file containing nawk(1) pattern-action statements.
-r rootdir Specify rootdir as the directory under which dev and devices will be found, rather than the standard root directory /.
/usr/ucblib/ucblinks.awk sample rule-base for compatibility links
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
|Availability |SUNWscpu |
SEE ALSO devlinks(1M), disks(1M), ports(1M), tapes(1M), attributes(5)SunOS 5.10 13 Apr 1994 ucblinks(1B)