Sorry for not being through. Here is a sample block:
<Identifier ID="A" Guid="{8a79eb5-88f8-4a7b-4a1b-67ff369be696}" NAME="JOHN DOE" QUALIFIER="YES" DT="3010" LIMITATOR="" Description="" Deadband="" Key="2887" STATUS="0" DOAP="0" AGE="32 YEARS" SEX="MALE">
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1. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am having a heck of a time trying to write a script that will grep for multiple strings in a single file. I am really at my wits end here and I am hoping to get some feedback here.
Basic information:
OS: Solaris 9
Shell: KSH
Oracle Database server
I was trying to grep through a file... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: thecoffeeguy
5 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have a cgi script I run through apache2 and I need to have a line that contains double quotes within double quotes.
Here's what I need PERL to pass to rrdtool:
HRULE:30#BBBB00:"30.0 constant":dashesIt's a little more complicated since I also have variables in the statement which requires... (13 Replies)
Discussion started by: audiophile
13 Replies
3. Shell Programming and Scripting
Is there anyway you can grep using multiple wildcards? When I run the below line the results return fine;
grep 12345 /usr/local/production/soccermatchplus/distributor/clients/*/out/fixtures.xml | awk -F/ '{print $8}'
However ideally, I need it to grep for;
grep 12345... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: JayC89
3 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
I've got this command that I've been using to find strings on the same line, say I'm doing a search for name:
find . -name "*" | xargs grep -i "Doe" | grep -i "John" > output.txt
This gives me every line in a file that has John and Doe in it. I'm looking to add a OR operator for the second... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: Rally_Point
5 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
Grep -e 'term1' -A1 -e 'term2' -A3The above code always searches for either term and prints results + next three lines.
I'm trying to print out:
foo foo foo term1 bar bar bar
line right after the above
la la la la term2 so so so
line right after the above
and again
and again
I've... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: dkozel
7 Replies
6. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi All,
I'm trying to grep for 3 patterns in a string of gibberish. It so happens that each line is appended by a date/time stamp and i was able to figure out how to extract only the datetime.
here is the string..
i have to display
tinker tailor soldier spy
Please can some help... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: Irishboy24
2 Replies
7. Programming
I have 20 files that look pretty much like this:
0.01 1 3822 4.97379915032e-14 4.96982253992e-09 0
0.01 3822 1 4.97379915032e-14 4.96982253992e-09 0
0.01 2 502 0.00993165137406 993.165137406 0
0.01 502 2 0.00993165137406 993.165137406 0
0.01 4 33 0.00189645523539 189.645523539 0
0.01 33 4... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: kayak
5 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have a file with output as
System: cu=4 ent=0.1 mode=on
cu min u s w i
0 500 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.1
1 200 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.0
I need to grep the values of following column fields u, s, w and i from each row sum them up and store in a variable..:(
Please help.. (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: Priya Amaresh
3 Replies
9. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have 3-column tab separated data that looks like the following:
act of+n-a-large+vn-tell-v 0.067427
act_com of+n+n-a-large-manufacturer-n 0.129922
act-act_com-com in+n-j+vn-pass-aux-restate-v 0.364499666667
com nmod+n-j+ns-invader-n 0.527521
act_com-com obj+n-a-j+vd-contribute-v 0.091413... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: owwow14
2 Replies
10. Shell Programming and Scripting
My attempts:
egrep ".*mello1\n.*bellow" data.txt
awk '/.*mello1.*\nbellow/' data.txt
how can i search for patterns that are on different lines using simple egrep or awk?
i only want the... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: SkySmart
7 Replies
GR_PLOT_PSD_F(1) User Commands GR_PLOT_PSD_F(1)
gr_plot_psd_f - plot power spectral density using GNU Radio
gr_plot_psd_f: [options] input_filename
Takes a GNU Radio binary file (with specified data type using --data-type) and displays the I&Q data versus time as well as the power spec-
tral density (PSD) plot. The y-axis values are plotted assuming volts as the amplitude of the I&Q streams and converted into dBm in the
frequency domain (the 1/N power adjustment out of the FFT is performed internally). The script plots a certain block of data at a time,
specified on the command line as -B or --block. The start position in the file can be set by specifying -s or --start and defaults to 0
(the start of the file). By default, the system assumes a sample rate of 1, so in time, each sample is plotted versus the sample number. To
set a true time and frequency axis, set the sample rate (-R or --sample-rate) to the sample rate used when capturing the samples. Finally,
the size of the FFT to use for the PSD and spectrogram plots can be set independently with --psd-size and --spec-size, respectively. The
spectrogram plot does not display by default and is turned on with -S or --enable-spec.
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-B BLOCK, --block=BLOCK
Specify the block size [default=8192]
-s START, --start=START
Specify where to start in the file [default=0]
Set the sampler rate of the data [default=1.0]
Set the size of the PSD FFT [default=1024]
Set the size of the spectrogram FFT [default=256]
-S, --enable-spec
Turn on plotting the spectrogram [default=False]
gr_plot_char(1) gr_plot_const(1) gr_plot_fft_c(1) gr_plot_fft_f(1) gr_plot_float(1) gr_plot_int(1) gr_plot_iq(1) gr_plot_psd_c(1)
gr_plot_psd_f(1) gr_plot_qt(1) gr_plot_short(1)
gr_plot_psd_f 3.5 December 2011 GR_PLOT_PSD_F(1)