Originally Posted by
This is verifiable fact.
You misunderstood my reply. I was more commenting the "but not ksh" part of your sentence. Bash has indeed a character by character read feature, but as far as I know isn't "raw" in the sense it cannot read or store binary data (specifically nulls) so wouldn't be suitable for the expected task.
The O/P states that bash is still working. I picked up the bash "read" idea from the IBM website after googling the library filename (which we finally got accurately in post #15). Found a thread where they were responding to someone in a similar situation. Renaming this library is a technique to get certain software such as Apache running on AIX when a replacement library is installed further down the library search path. However you have to do things in precisely the right order or you are in a mess.
Unfortunately the promising thread petered out when that O/P rebooted the computer and an unrelated can of worms opened due to having two system discs at different releases of AIX with the wrong one as the default boot.
Can you post a link to that thread ?
I picked on "ftp" and "rcp" as ideas because they were not on a list I found of dependencies for the high level library. This does not mean that it will work, but it is worth a try. Given access to the O/S we could find out what libraries each binary requires and look for a loophole.
Either they bundle libc (i.e. are statically linked) or they are dynamically linked and obviously need libc.a which itself demand libcrypt.a. The OP stated there was no statically linked executables on that AIX release. This lead me to conclude that way can't work (just like mounting a removable media fails).
On the permissions front we won't need execute permissions but we could need world read.
May be. That depends on AIX implementation. On Solaris shared libraries are required to be executable, on Gnu/Linux, they aren't.
Depends on what the default umask is in the first place.
If setting the x bit is required with AIX, the umask won't help. "umask" allows to remove bits that otherwise would have been set, not the other way around. A shell do not create executable files.
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PERLQNX(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLQNX(1)
perlqnx - Perl version 5 on QNX
As of perl5.7.2 all tests pass under:
QNX 4.24G
Watcom 10.6 with Beta/970211.wcc.update.tar.F
socket3r.lib Nov21 1996.
As of perl5.8.1 there is at least one test still failing.
Some tests may complain under known circumstances.
See below and hints/qnx.sh for more information.
Under QNX 6.2.0 there are still a few tests which fail. See below and hints/qnx.sh for more information.
Required Software for Compiling Perl on QNX4
As with many unix ports, this one depends on a few "standard" unix utilities which are not necessarily standard for QNX4.
This is used heavily by Configure and then by perl itself. QNX4's version is fine, but Configure will choke on the 16-bit version, so
if you are running QNX 4.22, link /bin/sh to /bin32/ksh
ar This is the standard unix library builder. We use wlib. With Watcom 10.6, when wlib is linked as "ar", it behaves like ar and all is
fine. Under 9.5, a cover is required. One is included in ../qnx
nm This is used (optionally) by configure to list the contents of libraries. I will generate a cover function on the fly in the UU
cpp Configure and perl need a way to invoke a C preprocessor. I have created a simple cover for cc which does the right thing. Without
this, Configure will create its own wrapper which works, but it doesn't handle some of the command line arguments that perl will throw
at it.
You really need GNU make to compile this. GNU make ships by default with QNX 4.23, but you can get it from quics for earlier versions.
Outstanding Issues with Perl on QNX4
There is no support for dynamically linked libraries in QNX4.
If you wish to compile with the Socket extension, you need to have the TCP/IP toolkit, and you need to make sure that -lsocket locates the
correct copy of socket3r.lib. Beware that the Watcom compiler ships with a stub version of socket3r.lib which has very little
functionality. Also beware the order in which wlink searches directories for libraries. You may have /usr/lib/socket3r.lib pointing to the
correct library, but wlink may pick up /usr/watcom/10.6/usr/lib/socket3r.lib instead. Make sure they both point to the correct library,
that is, /usr/tcptk/current/usr/lib/socket3r.lib.
The following tests may report errors under QNX4:
dist/Cwd/Cwd.t will complain if `pwd` and cwd don't give the same results. cwd calls `fullpath -t`, so if you cd `fullpath -t` before
running the test, it will pass.
lib/File/Find/taint.t will complain if '.' is in your PATH. The PATH test is triggered because cwd calls `fullpath -t`.
ext/IO/lib/IO/t/io_sock.t: Subtests 14 and 22 are skipped due to the fact that the functionality to read back the non-blocking status of a
socket is not implemented in QNX's TCP/IP. This has been reported to QNX and it may work with later versions of TCP/IP.
t/io/tell.t: Subtest 27 is failing. We are still investigating.
QNX auxiliary files
The files in the "qnx" directory are:
A script that emulates the standard unix archive (aka library) utility. Under Watcom 10.6, ar is linked to wlib and provides the
expected interface. With Watcom 9.5, a cover function is required. This one is fairly crude but has proved adequate for compiling perl.
A script that provides C preprocessing functionality. Configure can generate a similar cover, but it doesn't handle all the command-
line options that perl throws at it. This might be reasonably placed in /usr/local/bin.
Outstanding issues with perl under QNX6
The following tests are still failing for Perl 5.8.1 under QNX 6.2.0:
op/sprintf.........................FAILED at test 91
lib/Benchmark......................FAILED at test 26
This is due to a bug in the C library's printf routine. printf("'%e'", 0. ) produces '0.000000e+0', but ANSI requires '0.000000e+00'. QNX
has acknowledged the bug.
Norton T. Allen (allen@huarp.harvard.edu)
perl v5.16.2 2012-10-11 PERLQNX(1)