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Operating Systems Linux Android Mini Review: Samsung Galaxy S (Android 2.1) v. Nokia E63 Post 302455840 by Scott on Wednesday 22nd of September 2010 01:32:32 PM
Old 09-22-2010

I know nothing about Android, and have no real interest in it (as I voted in a poll elsewhere), but I did have a Samsung Omnia a couple years back and the GPS (and GSM, etc.) on that too was completely hopeless. My office is right next to Swisscom, which has a ruddy great mast on its roof, and still I got only one bar!

Perhaps it's just a Samsung-ism?

Forget all this fangled stuff. Bring back the Siemans C35. The best phone I ever had. It had WAP and everything (is that still going?)

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CHFN(1) 							   User Commands							   CHFN(1)

chfn - change your finger information SYNOPSIS
chfn [-f full-name] [-o office] ,RB [ -p office-phone] [-h home-phone] -u] [-v] [username] DESCRIPTION
chfn is used to change your finger information. This information is stored in the /etc/passwd file, and is displayed by the finger pro- gram. The Linux finger command will display four pieces of information that can be changed by chfn: your real name, your work room and phone, and your home phone. chfn is used to change local entries only. Use ypchfn, lchfn or any other implementation for non-local entries. COMMAND LINE Any of the four pieces of information can be specified on the command line. If no information is given on the command line, chfn enters interactive mode. INTERACTIVE MODE In interactive mode, chfn will prompt for each field. At a prompt, you can enter the new information, or just press return to leave the field unchanged. Enter the keyword "none" to make the field blank. OPTIONS
-f, --full-name full-name Specify your real name. -o, --office office Specify your office room number. -p, --office-phone office-phone Specify your office phone number. -h, --home-phone home-phone Specify your home phone number. -u, --help Print a usage message and exit. -v, --version Print version information and exit. EXIT STATUS
Returns 0 if operation was successful, 1 if operation failed or command syntax was not valid. SEE ALSO
finger(1), passwd(5) AUTHOR
Salvatore Valente <svalente@mit.edu> AVAILABILITY
The chfn command is part of the util-linux package and is available from ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/. util-linux July 2009 CHFN(1)
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