Sorry, I forgot to mention that you need to source the file in which you export the PATH variable.
Let's say you export your PATH variable in "/home/ravi/.bashrc", you need to do this after that:
hi unix guru's
i am new to unix shell programming.
i found a trouble in executing a script(bali.ksh) which is available on serverA with username xyza, this script contains sqlplus command to retrive the data from the database available on other serverC.
Now i need to run the above script... (4 Replies)
Hi everyone
I intend to trigger a script from one machine say mc1 that actually excutes on different machine say mc2 and redirect the logs to that machine mc2.
I tried to use nohup <nfs location of machine >/ > <nfs location of machine >/script.log 2>&1 &
nfs location of... (2 Replies)
We have a few machines which share the same directory. How can I execute the same script under that directory in different machine while I am using mine? (1 Reply)
Recently, I need to generate a lot of files from a few master files. In fact, if I relogin to the server machine, my operating would be much faster. My question is this: Can I write a script in which the current path can be automatically saved and relogin to the server to execute my command in the... (0 Replies)
Can someone tell me the method to execute the script from any location on linux server whereas It resides on a particular location
e.g.: Suppose script resides at this location
But I want If user know the name of the script he should not remember... (2 Replies)
Hope someone can sched some light i'm trying to execute a script via sudo but i don't want to be prompted for a password when i run the script using sudo
my sudo entry does work in that the script gets executed but i'm having to give a password, my current entry is given below
user1 ... (0 Replies)
So, is there way of automating this ?
My ultimate goal is to run some cmd script in windows and it should connect to a remote unix host and run a script located on the remote unix host.
I was wanting to achieve this by using WinSCP and Putty only. If possible let me know how and if not... (25 Replies)
Hi All,
We have 2 servers A and B.
B is having a sctipt called in path /home/dev/scripts.
Now my requirement is i want to execute from server A.
Kindly help me. (3 Replies)
I want to execute a shell script(set of commands) on remote machine and that script takes input from text file(local machine). Please refer below:
ssh user@hostname 'bash -s'< ./ file.txt
But i got the error file.txt doesn't exist.
Can anyone help me on this.
Content of
... (2 Replies)
I have reviewed many examples on-line about running another process (either PERL or shell command or a program), but do not find any usefull for my needs way. (Reviewed and not useful the system(), 'back ticks', exec() and open())
I would like to run another PERL-script from first one, not... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: alex_5161
1 Replies
iostat(1) General Commands Manual iostat(1)Name
iostat - report I/O statistics
iostat [ -c ] [ -t ] [ disknames ] [ interval ] [ count ]
The command reports I/O statistics for terminals, disks and cpus. For terminals the number of input and output characters are counted.
For disks the number of 512 byte blocks per second and number of transfers per second are displayed. For cpus, it provides the percentage
of time the system has spent in user mode, in user mode running low priority (niced) processes, in system mode, and idling. On multipro-
cessor systems these cpu statistics represent a cumulative summary of all the cpus.
The optional disknames argument causes disk statistics to be displayed for the specified disks. If this argument is not specified then
disk statistics will be displayed for the first 3 disks only.
The optional interval argument causes to report once each interval seconds. The first report is for all time since a reboot and each sub-
sequent report is for the last interval only.
The optional count argument restricts the number of reports.
Options-c Displays the percentage of time each cpu spent in user mode, running low priority (nice'd) processes, in system mode, and idling.
-t Displays the number of characters read from and written to terminals.
This example will cause cpu and disk statistics for the 5 disks ra0, ra1, ra2, ra3, and ra4.
iostat ra0 ra1 ra2 ra3 ra4
This example will cause cpu, terminal, and disk statistics for ra0 to be displayed and updated every 2 seconds.
iostat -t ra0 2
FilesSee Alsovmstat(1), cpustat(1)iostat(1)