how to get the solution using command line arguments?
Thank you all for the reply.
I am passing the parameters as command line arguments. In that case how do I get the desired result?
Thank you.
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1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
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DtEditorGoToLine(library call) DtEditorGoToLine(library call)
DtEditorGoToLine -- move the insert cursor for a DtEditor widget to a specified line
#include <Dt/Editor.h>
void DtEditorGoToLine(
Widget widget,
int lineNumber);
The DtEditorGoToLine function moves the insert cursor for the DtEditor widget to the beginning of the line specified by the lineNumber
argument. The cursor can be moved to the last line by specifying DtEDITOR_LAST_LINE as the line number. If the line is not currently on-
screen, the contents for the DtEditor widget are scrolled to display the new insertion position.
The lineNumber argument is the number of the line in the file, counting from 1. If the lineNumber argument is less than 1, the insert cur-
sor is placed at the beginning of the first line. If the argument is greater than the total number of lines, the cursor is placed at the
last line of text.
The insert cursor can be moved to a specific character position with DtEditorSetInsertionPosition(3). The DtNtopCharacter resource can be
used to control which line is displayed at the top of the DtEditor widget.
The widget argument specifies the DtEditor widget ID.
The lineNumber argument specifies the line number within the DtEditor widget.
For a complete definition of the DtEditor widget and its associated resources, see DtEditor(3).
The DtEditorGoToLine function returns no value.
Dt/Editor.h - DtEditor(5), DtEditor(3), DtEditorSetInsertionPosition(3).
DtEditorGoToLine(library call)