Need help with serial port
I have a external board connected to my serial port. I need to execute "shutdown -r now" command when system boot up. When system boots up it requires a username ans password. Then I need to run my command. I can use rc script but that is rebooting system before it asks for username and password. The command should
1. first give username to the device
2. secondly, it should give password
3. finally it should give "shutdown -r now" command to the board.
This script can run on the host PC and need to log the botting and rebooting messages.
Is it possible to write script on host PC to do it. I am trying to send command as data over serial but its simply echoes on the board but does execute. Please help. __________________
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DETECTUPS(8) System Manager's Manual DETECTUPS(8)
detectups - UPS detection/powerd configuration generator
/sbin/detectups [tty]
detectups monitors the serial port connected to an UPS device and will attempt to determine the method of UPS notification of power outage.
It will ask you to remove the power cord from the wall to the UPS, or push the UPS's test button. It will then determine what all has hap-
pened and ask to generate a config file based on your UPS and cable configuration. detectups needs to watch a tty with modem control prop-
erties. Please refer to the powerd documentation for further information.
Serial-Device Some serial port that is not being used by some other device, and does not share an interrupt with any other serial port.
/etc/powerd.conf powerd configuration file that detectups generates
/etc/inittab init is what actually issues the shutdown
powerd(8), shutdown(8), wall(1), inittab(5).
James Brents <James@nistix.com> (with parts of this man page borrowed from all over the Linux community)