Unless you have GNU date there is no simple code to do this. CFA Johnson, a forum member, has a website with a shell script library to do date arithmetic. The code is good, but doing dates in shell in an involved.
Rolling your own date routines is not best practice. Finding yesterday when the date today is March 1 is a classic example. You have to know whether it is a leap year or not, then roll back to Feb 28 or 29.
The standard way to get yesterday:
calculate the current Julian day, subtract one, then convert Julian -> Gregorian date.
get current time in UNIX epoch seconds and subtract 86400, then convert epoch seconds to a Gregorian date.
For production systems always use known good libraries for date calculations.
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CALENDAR(3) BSD Library Functions Manual CALENDAR(3)
easterg, easterog, easteroj, gdate, jdate, ndaysg, ndaysj, week, weekday -- Calendar arithmetic for the Christian era
Calendar Arithmetic Library (libcalendar, -lcalendar)
#include <calendar.h>
struct date *
easterg(int year, struct date *dt);
struct date *
easterog(int year, struct date *dt);
struct date *
easteroj(int year, struct date *dt);
struct date *
gdate(int nd, struct date *dt);
struct date *
jdate(int nd, struct date *dt);
ndaysg(struct date *dt);
ndaysj(struct date *dt);
week(int nd, int *year);
weekday(int nd);
These functions provide calendar arithmetic for a large range of years, starting at March 1st, year zero (i.e., 1 B.C.) and ending way beyond
year 100000.
Programs should be linked with -lcalendar.
The functions easterg(), easterog() and easteroj() store the date of Easter Sunday into the structure pointed at by dt and return a pointer
to this structure. The function easterg() assumes Gregorian Calendar (adopted by most western churches after 1582) and the functions
easterog() and easteroj() compute the date of Easter Sunday according to the orthodox rules (Western churches before 1582, Greek and Russian
Orthodox Church until today). The result returned by easterog() is the date in Gregorian Calendar, whereas easteroj() returns the date in
Julian Calendar.
The functions gdate(), jdate(), ndaysg() and ndaysj() provide conversions between the common "year, month, day" notation of a date and the
"number of days" representation, which is better suited for calculations. The days are numbered from March 1st year 1 B.C., starting with
zero, so the number of a day gives the number of days since March 1st, year 1 B.C. The conversions work for nonnegative day numbers only.
The gdate() and jdate() functions store the date corresponding to the day number nd into the structure pointed at by dt and return a pointer
to this structure.
The ndaysg() and ndaysj() functions return the day number of the date pointed at by dt.
The gdate() and ndaysg() functions assume Gregorian Calendar after October 4, 1582 and Julian Calendar before, whereas jdate() and ndaysj()
assume Julian Calendar throughout.
The two calendars differ by the definition of the leap year. The Julian Calendar says every year that is a multiple of four is a leap year.
The Gregorian Calendar excludes years that are multiples of 100 and not multiples of 400. This means the years 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100 are
not leap years and the year 2000 is a leap year. The new rules were inaugurated on October 4, 1582 by deleting ten days following this date.
Most catholic countries adopted the new calendar by the end of the 16th century, whereas others stayed with the Julian Calendar until the
20th century. The United Kingdom and their colonies switched on September 2, 1752. They already had to delete 11 days.
The function week() returns the number of the week which contains the day numbered nd. The argument *year is set with the year that contains
(the greater part of) the week. The weeks are numbered per year starting with week 1, which is the first week in a year that includes more
than three days of the year. Weeks start on Monday. This function is defined for Gregorian Calendar only.
The function weekday() returns the weekday (Mo = 0 .. Su = 6) of the day numbered nd.
The structure date is defined in <calendar.h>. It contains these fields:
int y; /* year (0000 - ????) */
int m; /* month (1 - 12) */
int d; /* day of month (1 - 31) */
The year zero is written as "1 B.C." by historians and "0" by astronomers and in this library.
ncal(1), strftime(3)
The week number conforms to ISO 8601: 1988.
The calendar library first appeared in FreeBSD 3.0.
This manual page and the library was written by Wolfgang Helbig <helbig@FreeBSD.org>.
The library was coded with great care so there are no bugs left.
November 29, 1997 BSD