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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting replace block of text with content of another file Post 302425792 by ripat on Sunday 30th of May 2010 07:22:19 AM
Old 05-30-2010
replace block of text with content of another file


not to be changed
not to be changed
old stuff
old stuff
old stuff
not to be changed
not to be changed

new text
new text

desired output:
not to be changed
not to be changed
new text
new text
not to be changed
not to be changed

What I have so far:
sed '/<start>/,/<end>/ {/<start>/b;/<end>/b;d}' file1 | sed '/<start>/r file2'

Works all right but I was expecting to come up with something more straight forward, more terse. Also, this sed solution uses two processes. I couldn't get it work in one.

I tried also awk with getline and a redirection from the file2 but to it was also too complicated. I have that strange feeling that there must be some simple solution but couldn't find it.

What I have so far with awk:
 awk '!flag{print}flag{getline < "file2";print}/start/{flag=1}/end/{flag=0;print}' file1

not to be changed
not to be changed
new text
new text
old stuff
not to be changed
not to be changed

Last edited by ripat; 05-30-2010 at 08:35 AM..

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POE::Filter::Block(3pm) 				User Contributed Perl Documentation				   POE::Filter::Block(3pm)

POE::Filter::Block - translate data between streams and blocks SYNOPSIS
#!perl use warnings; use strict; use POE::Filter::Block; my $filter = POE::Filter::Block->new( BlockSize => 8 ); # Prints three lines: abcdefgh, ijklmnop, qrstuvwx. # Bytes "y" and "z" remain in the buffer and await completion of the # next 8-byte block. $filter->get_one_start([ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ]); while(1) { my $block = $filter->get_one(); last unless @$block; print $block->[0], " "; } # Print one line: yz123456 $filter->get_one_start([ "123456" ]); while(1) { my $block = $filter->get_one(); last unless @$block; print $block->[0], " "; } DESCRIPTION
POE::Filter::Block translates data between serial streams and blocks. It can handle fixed-length and length-prepended blocks, and it may be extended to handle other block types. Fixed-length blocks are used when Block's constructor is called with a BlockSize value. Otherwise the Block filter uses length-prepended blocks. Users who specify block sizes less than one deserve what they get. In variable-length mode, a LengthCodec parameter may be specified. The LengthCodec value should be a reference to a list of two functions: the length encoder, and the length decoder: LengthCodec => [ &encoder, &decoder ] The encoder takes a reference to a buffer and prepends the buffer's length to it. The default encoder prepends the ASCII representation of the buffer's length and a chr(0) byte to separate the length from the actual data: sub _default_encoder { my $stuff = shift; substr($$stuff, 0, 0) = length($$stuff) . ""; return; } The corresponding decoder returns the block length after removing it and the separator from the buffer. It returns nothing if no length can be determined. sub _default_decoder { my $stuff = shift; unless ($$stuff =~ s/^(d+)//s) { warn length($1), " strange bytes removed from stream" if $$stuff =~ s/^(D+)//s; return; } return $1; } This filter holds onto incomplete blocks until they are completed. PUBLIC FILTER METHODS
POE::Filter::Block has no additional public methods. SEE ALSO
Please see POE::Filter for documentation regarding the base interface. The SEE ALSO section in POE contains a table of contents covering the entire POE distribution. BUGS
The put() method doesn't verify block sizes. AUTHORS &; COPYRIGHTS The Block filter was contributed by Dieter Pearcey, with changes by Rocco Caputo. Please see POE for more information about authors and contributors. perl v5.14.2 2012-05-15 POE::Filter::Block(3pm)
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