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Full Discussion: Concurrent TCP client/server
Top Forums Programming Concurrent TCP client/server Post 302395244 by Johnny22 on Tuesday 16th of February 2010 08:49:08 AM
Old 02-16-2010
I'm almost done with my program but i have a little problem, i don't know how i can check wich client had the best number.

I will explain in a few words what it does:

the server will get the 5 numbers from the clients(3) ... then it checks for each client wich number is the closest to the random number(for testing it will print the minimum difference)
the client will wait for a message.

Now i should make it to check those 3 numbers got from each client with the random number and send a mesage to the client that was the closest ?

How can i do that ?

I tried with pipes but i failed ...

Can someone pls help me ?

The code is this:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <string.h>

/* codul de eroare returnat de anumite apeluri */
extern int errno;

struct operation
    int number1;
    int number2;
    int number3;
    int number4;
    int number5;

/* portul de conectare la server*/
int port;

/* programul */
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int sd;            /* descriptorul de socket */
  struct sockaddr_in server;    /* structura folosita pentru conectare */
  struct operation request;    /* cererea trimisa clientului */
  char mesaj[100];
  int valid_input = 0, exit_flag = 0;

  /* exista toate argumentele in linia de comanda? */
  if (argc != 3)
      printf ("Sintaxa: %s <adresa_server> <port>\n", argv[0]);
      return -1;

  /* stabilim portul */
  port = atoi (argv[2]);

  /* cream socketul */
  if ((sd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
      perror ("Eroare la socket().\n");
      return errno;

  /* umplem structura folosita pentru realizarea conexiunii cu serverul */
  server.sin_family = AF_INET;
          /* familia socket-ului */
  server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
        /* adresa IP a serverului */
  server.sin_port = htons (port);
          /* portul de conectare */

  /* ne conectam la server */
  if (connect (sd, (struct sockaddr *) &server,
           sizeof (struct sockaddr)) == -1)
      perror ("Eroare la connect().\n");
      return errno;

	/* citim mesajul de intampinare */
    if(recv(sd, mesaj, 100,0) < 0)
		perror("Eroare la read()!\n");
		return errno;
    printf("%s\n", mesaj);
  /* citirea mesajului si trimiterea catre server */
  bzero (&request, sizeof(struct operation));
 // printf ("Introduceti cele 5 numere: ");
  scanf ("%d %d %d %d %d", &request.number1, &request.number2, &request.number3, &request.number4, &request.number5);
	while(exit_flag == 0)
		if((request.number1 > 0) && (request.number1 < 1000))
			exit_flag = 1;
			valid_input = 0;
			printf("OOPPS!Primul numar NU este intre 0 si 1000!\nIncercati un nou numar in acest interval!\n");
			scanf("%d", &request.number1);
		if((request.number2 > 0) && (request.number2 < 1000))
			exit_flag = 1;
			valid_input = 0;
			printf("OOPPS!Al doilea numar NU este intre 0 si 1000!\nIncercati un nou numar in acest interval!\n");
			scanf("%d", &request.number2);
		if((request.number3 > 0) && (request.number3 < 1000))
			exit_flag = 1;
			valid_input = 0;
			printf("OOPPS!Al treilea numar NU este intre 0 si 1000!\nIncercati un nou numar in acest interval!\n");
			scanf("%d", &request.number3);
		if((request.number4 > 0) && (request.number4 < 1000))
			exit_flag = 1;
			valid_input = 0;
			printf("OOPPS!Al patrulea numar NU este intre 0 si 1000!\nIncercati un nou numar in acest interval!\n");
			scanf("%d", &request.number4);
		if((request.number5 > 0) && (request.number5 < 1000))
			exit_flag = 1;
			valid_input = 0;
			printf("OOPPS!Al cincilea numar NU este intre 0 si 1000!\nIncercati un nou numar in acest interval!\n");
			scanf("%d", &request.number5);
  fflush (stdout);
      request.number1 = ntohl(request.number1);
      request.number2 = ntohl(request.number2);
      request.number3 = ntohl(request.number3);
      request.number4 = ntohl(request.number4);
      request.number5 = ntohl(request.number5);

  if (send (sd, &request, sizeof(struct operation), 0) <= 0)
      perror ("Eroare la write() spre server.\n");
      return errno;

  int result;
  /* citirea raspunsului dat de server 
     (ne blocam pina cind serverul raspunde) */
  if (recv (sd, &result, sizeof(int), 0) < 0)
      perror ("Eroare la read() de la server.\n");
      return errno;
  result = ntohl((int)result);
  /* afisam mesajul primit */
  printf ("Rezultatul primit este: %d\n", result);

  /* inchidem conexiunea, am terminat */
  close (sd);

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <signal.h>

const int PORT_SERVER = 6440; 			/* portul folosit */
const int CLIENTI_MAXIM = 3;			/* nr maxim de clienti acceptati */

extern int errno; 						/* eroare returnata */
int nr = 0;								/* numar de clienti */
int port;								/* portul*/
struct operation request;			   	/* cererea primita de server */
int sockfd, newsockfd, frlen, servlen;
int magic;

struct operation
    int number1;
    int number2;
    int number3;
    int number4;
    int number5;
void genereaza_numar()
    magic = rand() % 1001;

/*functie de tratare a semnalelor*/
void semnal (int nr_semnal) 
	if (nr_semnal == SIGCHLD)
		nr--; /*s-a pierdut un client*/
		printf("A iesit clientul %d!\n", nr+1);

/*operatiile pentru fiecare client*/
void doprocessing(int sock)
	char mesaj[100];
	if( nr == 0)
		printf("S-a conectat un client...Avem %d client\n", nr + 1);
		printf("S-a conectat un client...Avem %d clienti\n", nr + 1);
	sprintf(mesaj, "SERVER>Sunteti clientul cu numarul %d.\nSERVER>Introduceti cele 5 numere(0..1000):", nr + 1);
    /* trimitem mesajul de intampinare */
    if(send(newsockfd, mesaj, strlen(mesaj),0) != strlen(mesaj))
	/* Eroare! */
	shutdown(newsockfd, 2);
	/* am realizat conexiunea, asteptam mesajul... */
	bzero (&request, sizeof(struct operation));
	printf ("Asteptam cererea...\n");
	fflush (stdout);
	/* citirea mesajului */
	int nrbytes = recv (newsockfd, &request, sizeof(struct operation), 0);
	/*incercam sa citim datele de la client*/
	if (nrbytes <= 0)
		perror ("Eroare la read() de la client.\n");
		close (newsockfd);    /* inchidem conexiunea cu clientul */
	/*verificam integritatea datelor*/
	if (nrbytes < sizeof(struct operation))
		perror ("Date primite incomplet\n");
		close (newsockfd);
	request.number1 = ntohl(request.number1);
    request.number2 = ntohl(request.number2);
    request.number3 = ntohl(request.number3);
    request.number4 = ntohl(request.number4);
	request.number5 = ntohl(request.number5);

	printf ("Cerere primita... \n           In curs de rezolvare: %d %d %d %d %d \n", 
											request.number1, request.number2, request.number3, request.number4, request.number5);
	/* rezolvarea cererii */

	int a=0;
	int b=0;
	int c=0;
	int d=0;
	int e=0;
	int min=0;
	int result=0;

	/* diferenta dintre numarul magic si numerele primite */
	if (magic >= request.number1)
		a = magic - request.number1;
		a = request.number1 - magic;

	if (magic >= request.number2)
		b = magic - request.number2;
		b = request.number2 - magic;

	if (magic >= request.number3)
		c = magic - request.number3;
		c = request.number3 - magic;

	if (magic >= request.number4)
		d = magic - request.number4;
		d = request.number4 - magic;

	if (magic >= request.number5)
		e = magic - request.number5;
		e = request.number5 - magic;

	printf("Diferentele numerelor sunt: %d %d %d %d %d\n", a, b, c, d, e);
	/* verificare care numar este mai aproape de numarul magic */
	if (a > b)
		min = b;
		min = a;

	if (min > c)
		min = c;

	if (min > d)
		min = d;

	if (min > e)
		min = e;
	printf("Diferenta minima este: %d\n", min);
	printf("a= %d, b= %d, c= %d, d= %d, e= %d\n", a, b, c, d, e);
	/*selectam numarul care este mai apropiat de numarul magic*/
	if(min == a) 
		result = request.number1;
		if (min == b) 
			result = request.number2;
			if (min == c)  
				result = request.number3;
				if (min == d) 
					result = request.number4;
					result = request.number5;
	printf("result = %d\n", result);
	printf("TEST %d\n", magic);
	printf("Numarul cel mai apropiat de cel random a fost: %d\n", result);
    result = htonl(result);
	/* returnam rapunsul clientului */
    if (send (newsockfd, &result, sizeof(int),0) <= 0)
		perror ("Eroare la write() catre client.\n");
		printf ("Trasmitere cu succes.\n");
      /* am terminat cu acest client, inchidem conexiunea */
      close (newsockfd);

/*programul principal*/
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
	struct sockaddr_in server , from;    	/* structurile folosite de server si client */
	int port;								/* portul */
	int pid;								/* Process ID from fork() */

	/* setare port in cazul specificarii explicite */
	if (argc > 1)
		port = atoi(argv[1]);
		port = PORT_SERVER;
    printf("Numarul generat este %d\n", magic);
	/*tratarea semnalele*/
	if (signal (SIGCHLD, semnal) == SIG_ERR)
	/* cream un socket */
	sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0);
	if (sockfd <0)
		perror("Eroare la socket().");
	frlen = sizeof (from);
	servlen = sizeof (server);
	/* pregatim structurile de date */
	bzero (&server, servlen);
	bzero (&from, frlen);
	/* umplem structura folosita de server */
	server.sin_family = AF_INET;    					/* stabilirea familiei de socket-uri */
	server.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY);		/* acceptam orice adresa */
	server.sin_port = htons (port);						/* utilizam un port utilizator */
	/* atasam socketul */
	if (bind (sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)
		perror ("Eroare la bind().\n");
	/* punem serverul sa asculte daca vin clienti sa se conecteze */
	if (listen (sockfd, 3) == -1)
		perror ("Eroare la listen().\n");
		printf ("Asteptam la portul %d...\n", port);
		fflush (stdout);
	/*servim in mod concurent clientii*/
	while (1) 
        newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &from, &frlen);
        if (newsockfd < 0)
            perror("Eroare la accept().\n");
		/* Verificam daca am ajuns la numarul maxim de clienti */
		if (nr == CLIENTI_MAXIM)
			perror("Numar maxim de clienti atins. Incercati mai tarziu.\n");
        /* Cream procesul copil*/
        pid = fork();
        if (pid < 0)
            perror("Eroare la fork().\n");
        if (pid == 0)  
            /* Procesul parcurs de client */

---------- Post updated 02-16-10 at 03:49 PM ---------- Previous update was 02-15-10 at 07:02 PM ----------

Can't anyone help me with my program ?

LE: I improved a little the program, but still cand save the best number and send a specific message for each client

Last edited by Johnny22; 02-17-2010 at 04:29 PM.. Reason: I improved a little the program, but still cand save the best number and send a specific message for each client

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