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1. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I'm a newbie to the Unix world Help!
I have to maintain a host of Sybase database servers sitting on Unix Sun Solaris 8...I've been tasked with finding/creating a way to auto start/stop Unix via unix commands, specifically when the Unix servers need to be restarted we want Sybase to start... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: jjv1
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2. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I have a shell script t1.sh. on my solaris box.
So, what are the steps required to make this script run as a Service, when the system re-starts. (for ex:- at run level 3).
I know that I should use the rc.d folders. But I don't know the exact steps.
Kindly explain,
Thanks in... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: S.Vishwanath
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3. Shell Programming and Scripting
I'm wondering how I should make a script that can start, stop, and restart another script.
What I need to be able to do, is start and stop a perl script from the command line. The easiest way of doing this seems to be to have another script, starting and stopping the other script. I have BASH,... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: Bakes
7 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi All,
I would like to develop a shell script for stop & start an application server (1-4) on Solaris box. Here are the user requirements for this task.
1. User will input the option which server they wish to stop.
2. Will clear cache files from specific location.
3. ... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: venga
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5. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
So, Just for practice, I wrote a simple fibonacci sequence script in bash.
(03:08:02\$ cat fib
ret ()
echo -ne "\n"
sleep .5
echo -n $a #1 A
echo -n $b #2 B
ret (8 Replies)
Discussion started by: DeCoTwc
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6. Solaris
I have Big brother script, which start/stop Big Brother processes. Something got change on server and now I am not able to start/stop it. There is no change in script, as I compared it from other server. This service is being managed by bb user (group is also bb).
root@tsazdq04:/#... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: solaris_1977
6 Replies
7. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hello All,
I am completely new to shell scripting. I had to write a script that starts and stop the queue manager in Websphere MQ. We are on Linux 64-bit patform.
The script should stop the queue manager and all the processes related to websphere MQ. It should be a clean stop. Once the queue... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: pady1224
3 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
I need to create a shell script for automated server patching, with the following scenario:
I have two Linux servers Primary and secondary.
Server patching should start on Primary 1st and then secondary.
1st check both servers are up and running.
Then stop primary and patching will... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: rcroyal88
1 Replies
Jifty::DBI::Column(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Jifty::DBI::Column(3pm)
Jifty::DBI::Column - Encapsulates a single column in a Jifty::DBI::Record table
This class encapsulates a single column in a Jifty::DBI::Record table description. It replaces the _accessible method in
It has the following accessors: "name type default validator boolean refers_to readable writable length".
Returns true if the column is of some numeric type, otherwise returns false.
Returns true if this column is a text field
Returns true if this column is a boolean
Returns a hash describing this column object with enough detail to fully describe it in the database. Intentionally skips "record_class",
all column attributes starting with "_", and all column attributes which are undefined. The "known" attributes in the "attributes" hash
are flattened and returned as well. The list of known attributes are:
label hints render_as
Setting this to a true value causes "load_by_cols" in Jifty::DBI::record to not use a placeholder when loading the column. This can
allow the database to come up with better query plans in some cases.
Returns a hash describing this column object with enough detail to fully describe it in the database. Intentionally skips "record_class",
all column attributes starting with "_", and all column attributes which are undefined.
Gets/sets the validator coderef for the column.
DEPRECATED. Use "$column->readable" instead.
DEPRECATED. Use "$column->writable" instead.
DEPRECATED. Use "$column->max_length" instead.
DEPRECATED. Use "$column->till" instead.
Returns the a true value if the column method exists for the current application version. The current application version is determined by
checking the "schema_version" in Jifty::DBI::Record of the column's "record_class". This method returns a false value if the column is not
yet been added or has been dropped.
This method returns a false value under these circumstances:
o Both the "since" trait and "schema_version" method are defined and "schema_version" is less than the version set on "since".
o Both the "till" trait and "schema_version" method are defined and "schema_version" is greater than or equal to the version set on
Otherwise, this method returns true.
perl v5.14.2 2012-01-25 Jifty::DBI::Column(3pm)