The braces limit the scope of the following code to the previously matched records (the records that satisfy the range pattern).
So, the
G command (append the hold space to the pattern space, in this case the hold space is empty so you get only the newline character)
will apply on for the records that match the pattern
/;/ (the last line of your paragraph).
The only printed book I know is
sed & awk by
Dale Dougherty and
Arnold Robbins.
You can begin with
Bruce Barnett's
sed tutorial.
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I followed the egrep example given in the thread "parse text or complex grep ?". It is exactly what I need...except... how do I insert a blank line after the second line? My exact command is:
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Hello friends,
I have a C source code containing sql statements. I use the following sed command to print all the sql blocks in the source code....
sed -n "/exec sql/,/;/p" Sample.cpp
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3. Shell Programming and Scripting
FIle A
"A" 2 aa 34
3 ac
5 cd
"B" 3 hu 67
4 fg
5 gy
output shud be
A"" 2 aa 34
"A" 3 ac 34
"A" 5 cd 34
"B" 3 hu 67
"B" 4 fg 67
"B" 5 gy 67 (6 Replies)
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4. Shell Programming and Scripting
I need to match lines after a pattern, upto the first blank line.
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where <restart_step> =
10 -- Execute query
20 -- Write the contents to the Oracle table
30 -- Writing Contents to OUTPUT... (7 Replies)
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I have a file which contain certain number of records.
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# get the domain name
read -r thehostname < /etc/hostname
dom="$(echo $thehostname | cut -d'.' -f2)"
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7. Shell Programming and Scripting
Im trying to do the following in sed. I want to delete any blank line at the start of a file until it matches a pattern and then stops. for example:
I have got it to work within a range of two patterns with the following:
sed '/1/,/pattern/{/^]*$/d}'
The... (2 Replies)
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8. Shell Programming and Scripting
cat test.txt
g (2 Replies)
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Hi Guys,
I am stuck in between and seeking help here.
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Input: START
Release: xxx
Version: xxx
Release: xxx
Version: xxx
OS:: Windows
Release: xxx
Version: xxx
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CHSH(1) User Commands CHSH(1)
chsh - change login shell
chsh [options] [LOGIN]
The chsh command changes the user login shell. This determines the name of the user's initial login command. A normal user may only change
the login shell for her own account; the superuser may change the login shell for any account.
The options which apply to the chsh command are:
-h, --help
Display help message and exit.
-s, --shell SHELL
The name of the user's new login shell. Setting this field to blank causes the system to select the default login shell.
If the -s option is not selected, chsh operates in an interactive fashion, prompting the user with the current login shell. Enter the new
value to change the shell, or leave the line blank to use the current one. The current shell is displayed between a pair of [ ] marks.
The only restriction placed on the login shell is that the command name must be listed in /etc/shells, unless the invoker is the superuser,
and then any value may be added. An account with a restricted login shell may not change her login shell. For this reason, placing /bin/rsh
in /etc/shells is discouraged since accidentally changing to a restricted shell would prevent the user from ever changing her login shell
back to its original value.
User account information.
List of valid login shells.
Shadow password suite configuration.
chfn(1), login.defs(5), passwd(5).
User Commands 06/24/2011 CHSH(1)