I need some help making this script... I guess I'm having trouble even interpretating what to even get started on...
I need to create a script that will search a given directory (typically a user's home directory, but not necessarily) as provided on the command line and any sub-directors for... (2 Replies)
hi all
i'm trying to get a script working upon connection with pppd
According to docu this happens ina clean environment with a couple of variables set, namely $1,$2,...
To be able to execute the statements i included a path statement but i think i'm running into trouble with the variables -... (6 Replies)
can anyone help me with my scrip please. I wanted do following tasks:
1. List all the directory
2. A STDIN to ask user to enter a directory name from listed directories
3. command to check if the directory exists( or a command to validate if the user entered a valid directory name)... (3 Replies)
can anyone help me with my scrip please. I wanted do following tasks:
1. List all the directory
2. A STDIN to ask user to enter a directory name from listed directories
3. command to check if the directory exists( or a command to validate if the user entered a valid directory name)
... (2 Replies)
Hey guys, i am fairly new to scripting and I am trying to write a script that takes a comma delimited file as input. I am trying to figure out a way to determine if $1 and $3 exist on a line (basically a hostname and ip address) and if true do the following,
resolve the hostname to ip.
sample... (6 Replies)
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
i have to do this but i am confused,
Create a file containing the bash functions which perform the... (1 Reply)
have this code but when i run it i get this error
./pulse: line 2: and here is the code
if ;
pulseaudio -k;
what am i doing wrong
Adam (5 Replies)
Try to imagine a flag:
now imagine how it will output:
4 times the "n"and 1 times "x"
3 times "n"and" 2 times" x "
.. etc. ..
rhombus is the same only instead of "n" is there
gap "and " x "is a few times to form the correct shape
Can you help... (3 Replies)
Hi Guys i have a <script?> that spits out the location of each printer using snpget
here is the code
for i in `sed -n '/Start Printer/,/End Printer/p' /hosts/blah/etc/dhcp/hosts.conf | awk '!/^#/ {print $2}' | egrep -v \... (2 Replies)
same script:
1- i am using grep to find a string called: tinker panic 0 in a file /etc/ntp.conf
if the string is not there, i want to add the strings in /etc/ntp.conf file in the first line of the file. if not do nothing or exit.
2- also i want to add # in front of the following lines in... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: lamoul
0 Replies
Finance::Quote::IndiaMutual(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Finance::Quote::IndiaMutual(3)NAME
Finance::Quote::IndiaMutual - Obtain Indian mutual fund prices from amfiindia.com
use Finance::Quote;
$q = Finance::Quote->new;
%stockinfo = $q->fetch("indiamutual", "amfiindia-code"); # Can
failover to other methods
%stockinfo = $q->fetch("amfiindia", "amfiindia-code"); # Use this
module only.
# NOTE: currently no failover methods exist for indiamutual
This module obtains information about Indian Mutual Fund prices from the Association of Mutual Funds India website amfiindia.com. The
information source "indiamutual" can be used if the source of prices is irrelevant, and "amfiindia" if you specifically want to use
information downloaded from amfiindia.com.
In India a mutual fund does not have a unique global symbol identifier.
This module uses an id that represents the mutual fund on an id used by amfiindia.com. You can the fund is from the AMFI web site
Information available from amfiindia may include the following labels:
method link source name currency nav rprice sprice. The link label will be a url location for the NAV list table for all funds.
amfiindia.com provides a link to download a text file containing all the NAVs. This file is mirrored in a local file /tmp/amfinavlist.txt.
The local mirror serves only as a cache and can be safely removed.
Currently NAVs of Open-Ended funds are supported.
AMFI india website - http://amfiindia.com/
perl v5.12.1 2009-10-05 Finance::Quote::IndiaMutual(3)