The script does the following:
1. Checks if the files header corresponds to the current date.
else the output is "record not of todays date"
2. Checks if the file has more than one header it wil fail with error "record is corrept"
3. Checks the date in the header with the system date if ther is a missmatch it wil fail with "record not of todays date"
4. If there are more than one trailer record it wil give output "record is corrept"
5. Every record between the header and trailer is considered as a Detail record. I was not able to check the consistancy of that as u did not give me any standard on that.
6. The trailer count will match the records found if sucessful it wil give message "record is perfect" else fails with the message its corrept.
I have not considered output to be redirected to a file.
record is perfect
2nd case :
record is corrupt
I guess its clear now...
Last edited by Franklin52; 02-24-2009 at 04:20 PM..
Reason: adding code tags
How can i dynamically read files names from a list file and execute them from a single shell script.
Please help its urgent
Thanks in Advance (4 Replies)
I am new to this forum.I need a help in the following:
We receve pipe delimited file with
transaction ID,tran_date,Quest_cd,Ans_cd,ans_value.
Same transaction ID can be repeated with different quest_cd and ans_cd.
Basically I need to check if a perticular pair of quest_cd and ans_cd... (1 Reply)
There is one Text file data.txt.
Data within this file looks like:
want to write a shell script which will access these values within a loop, access one value at a time and store into a variable. can anyone plz help me. (2 Replies)
For reading a file through shell script I am using yhe code :
while read line
echo $line
It reads all the line of that file data.txt.
Content of data.txt looks like:
total no of sql files=4
total no of c files=1 (4 Replies)
How to validate a date and optionly a time in shell scripting when i get the date and time as pararmeters that sent out with the call of the file? (in my case sh `first parameter ,second parameter...` (4 Replies)
i need a script that can read a property file.
i.e., A script to read a "property" from property file.
Read the property value and
based on value of property, decide whether to start the some dataload activity or not.
Its urngent. Can anyone help me out???:( (7 Replies)
Hi All,
I'm writing a script to read a file line by line and then perform awk function on it. I am getting an error . My file has one name in it "James". I'm expecting my o/p to be youareJamesbond
./ line 7: =: command not found
#script to read file line by line
#adding... (5 Replies)
I have a shell script that takes 2 arguments. I will have to execute this script multiple times with different values for the arguments.
for example,
./shscript env1 value1
./shscript env1 value2
./shscript env2 value3
./shscript env3 value4
./shscript env1 value5
./shscript env3... (24 Replies)
I need to write a C-Shell script with these properties: It should accept two arguments on the command line. The first argument is the name of a file which contains a list of names, and the second argument is the name of a directory. For each file in the directory, the script should print the... (1 Reply)
I have shell program as below
echo ======= LogManageri start ==========
#This directory is getting the raw data from remote server
# This directory is ready for process the data
# This directory is prcoessed files and... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: Chenchireddy
4 Replies
SVN::Dump::Headers(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation SVN::Dump::Headers(3pm)NAME
SVN::Dump::Headers - Headers of a SVN dump record
# SVN::Dump::Headers objects are returned by the read_header_block()
# method of SVN::Dump::Reader
A "SVN::Dump::Headers" object represents the headers of a SVN dump record.
"SVN::Dump::Headers" provides the following methods:
new( [$hashref] )
Create and return a new empty "SVN::Dump::Headers" object.
If $hashref is given (it can be a blessed hash reference), the keys from the hash are used to initialise the headers.
set($h, $v)
Set the $h header to the value $v.
"_" can be used as a replacement for "-" in the header name.
Get the value of header $h.
"_" can be used as a replacement for "-" in the header name.
Return the list of headers, in canonical order.
Return a string that represents the record headers.
It is possible to guess the record type from its headers.
This method returns a string that represents the record type. The string is one of "revision", "node", "uuid" or "format".
The method dies if it can't determine the record type.
When using "SVN::Dump" to manipulate a SVN dump, one should not directly access the "SVN::Dump::Headers" component of a
"SVN::Dump::Record", but use the "set_header()" and "get_header()" methods of the record object.
Copyright 2006-2011 Philippe 'BooK' Bruhat, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
perl v5.10.1 2011-03-22 SVN::Dump::Headers(3pm)