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Full Discussion: Updated drive image utility
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Updated drive image utility Post 302272803 by jwzumwalt on Thursday 1st of January 2009 02:19:36 AM
Old 01-01-2009
Updated drive image utility

#! /bin/bash 
# name: drive-image.sh, disk image copy script
# by:   Jan Zumwalt - www.neatinfo.com 
# ver:  Jan 4, 2009
# remarks:
# -e = enable interpretation of backslash codes
# -n = disable newline at end of line (i.e. user input prompt)
# exit 1 = error, exit 0 = success

IMAGE_FROM=hda  # the drive or partition we will copy (save). 
IMAGE_TO=hdc    # the target (were it will be saved)

# Pretty ANSI writing


FkeyRead ()  # character read from keyboard is in $ANSWER
oldstty=$(stty -g)
stty -icanon -echo min 1 time 1
ANSWER=$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null)
stty "${oldstty}"

while :
echo -en "\n"
echo -en "\t\t\t$BOLD          Drive Image Copy\n"
echo -en "\t\t\t           by:Jan Zumwalt\n"
echo -en "\t\t\t$YELLOW     NeatInfo.com - Ver Jan 04, 2009$OFF\n\n"
echo -en "\t\t This program uses the dd command to copy an entire drive,\n" 
echo -en "\t\t or partition.$YELLOW If a single mistake is made while manually\n"
echo -en "\t\t typeing the dd command, all your data may be destroyed.$OFF \n"
echo -en "\t\t This script allows you to carefully plan ahead, then \n"
echo -en "\t\t repeat the process fearlessly. It also makes a nice\n"
echo -en "\t\t log for future reference.\n"
echo -en "\n"
echo -en "\t\t This program is set to copy from [$IMAGE_FROM] to [$IMAGE_TO].\n"
echo -en "\t\t You can change what is copied by opening the script\n"
echo -en "\t\t with a text editor and changing two variables near the\n"
echo -en "\t\t beginning of the script.\n"
echo -en "\n\t\t\t\t   $YELLOW($IMAGE_FROM --> $IMAGE_TO)$OFF\n"
echo -en "\n$BOLD"
echo -en "\t\t.------------------------------------------------. \n"
echo -en "\t\t| Please select from one of these options.       |\n"
echo -en "\t\t|                                                |\n"
echo -en "\t\t|$YELLOW 1) Make the drive image $OFF$BOLD                       |\n"  
echo -en "\t\t|$YELLOW 2) View file systems list $OFF$BOLD                     |\n"
echo -en "\t\t|$YELLOW 3) Set up program and create a shortcut $OFF$BOLD       |\n"
echo -en "\t\t|$YELLOW 4) About this program (brief instructions)    $OFF$BOLD |\n"
echo -en "\t\t|$YELLOW 5) Quit $OFF$BOLD                                       |\n"
echo -en "\t\t'------------------------------------------------'\n"
echo -en "\n"
echo -en "\t\t$BOLD    What would you like to do? 1,2,3,4,5 $YELLOW[1]$OFF "

   case $ANSWER in 
         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t\t OK! Here we go...\n"
            # see if log directory exist
     	    if [ ! -d $HOME/logs ]; then
 	       echo -en "\n\n\t\t*** Log directory not found ***\n"
               echo -en "\n\t\t Should I create the directory I need for logs ($HOME/logs)? "
   		  case $ANSWER2 in 
                     mkdir $HOME/logs
         # opportunity to add comment to log file
	 echo -en "\n\t\t You may now add a comment for the log file...\n"
         echo -en "\t\t "        
         read ANSWER
         echo -e "\t\t"$ANSWER >> $HOME/logs/drive-image.log
         # save backup starting time      image  = /boot/vmlinuz
         echo -en "\t\t Backup start time = " `date`"\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
         echo -en "\t\t Backing up...\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
         # The actual backup is done here. Included are some possible options.
         # These options are machine specific - here is some of mine...
         # dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdc1 # win partition
         # dd if=/dev/hda7 of=/dev/hdc7 # linux partition
         # dd if=/dev/hda  of=/dev/hdc  # entire IDE slot 1 drive to IDE slot 3 <default>
         dd if=/dev/$IMAGE_FROM of=/dev/$IMAGE_TO bs=1024k | tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
         # save backup ending time
         echo -en "\t\t Backup end time = " `date`"\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
         # success - show log file and exit
         echo -en "\t\t Script completed successfully.\n\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
         echo -en "\t\t *******************************************\n"
         echo -en "\t\t ***   Here is a copy of your log file   ***\n"
         echo -en "\t\t *******************************************\n"
         cat $HOME/logs/drive-image.log
         echo -en "\n\n\t\t     Press the ${YELLOW}[ANY]${OFF} key to exit. "
         echo -en "\n\n"  
       exit 0;;

      2) # set up program and create a shortcut         
           echo -en "\n\n"
           echo -en "\t.-------------------  Here is your mounted media  ------------------.\n"
           echo -en "\t.                                                                   .\n"
           fdisk -l | pr -o10 -t | cut -c1-75
           echo -en "\t.                                                                   .\n"
           echo -en "\t'-------------------------------------------------------------------'\n"
           echo -en "\t.                                                                   .\n"
           echo -en "\t.  This is a listing of your MOUNTED media. You may have other      .\n"
           echo -en "\t.  media attached and available. The file system or devices ${YELLOW}do${OFF}      .\n"
           echo -en "\t.  ${YELLOW}not have to be mounted${OFF} to work.$BOLD The \"dd\" command that this       .\n"
           echo -en "\t.  program uses can be VERY dangerous.$OFF There is no way of knowing   .\n"
           echo -en "\t.  what the intent of the user is, and in less than 1 second        .\n"
           echo -en "\t.  permanent data loss will occur! So, please be very carfull!      .\n"
           echo -en "\t.                                                                   .\n"
           echo -en "\t'-------------------------------------------------------------------'\n"
           echo -en "\n\t\t     Press ${YELLOW}[ANY]${OFF} key to return to main menu."
           clear ;;

      3) # set up program and create a shortcut         
           if [ ! -d $HOME"/logs" ] ; then # if log dir not made, create it
              mkdir $HOME"/logs"
              echo -en "\n\t\t Checking and setting up script " `date`"\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
              echo -en "\t\t Missing personal log dir, I made one at $HOME/logs\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
              echo -en "\n\t\t Checking and setting up script " `date`"\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
              echo -en "\t\t Found personal log dir at $HOME/logs\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"

           if [ ! -d $HOME"/bin" ] ; then # if bin dir not made, create it
              mkdir $HOME"/bin"
              echo -en "\t\t Missing personal bin dir, I made one at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
              echo -en "\t\t Found personal bin dir at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"

           if [ ! -f $HOME"/bin/drive-image.sh" ] ; then # if prog not in bin dir, copy it there
              cp $0 $HOME"/bin/drive-image.sh" # copy myself to the bin dir
              echo -en "\t\t I copied script to bin dir at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
              cp $0 $HOME"/bin/drive-image.sh" # copy myself to the bin dir
              echo -en "\t\t I overwrote script in bin dir at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"

           chmod  ugo+x "$HOME/bin/drive-image.sh" # make sure script will execute 
           echo -en "\t\t Confirmed script is executable at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log"
           echo -en "\n"

           START_DIR=$PWD # save current dir
           echo -en "\t\t Going to your desktop and creating shortcut...\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log" 
           cd $HOME"/Desktop" # goto desktop to make shortcut
           echo "[Desktop Entry]"
           echo "Comment="
           echo "Comment[en_US]="
           echo "Encoding=UTF-8"
           echo "Exec='$HOME/bin/drive-image.sh'"
           echo "GenericName=" 
           echo "GenericName[en_US]="
           echo "Icon=exec"
           echo "MimeType="
           echo "Name=drive-image"
           echo "Name[en_US]=drive-image"
           echo "Path="               
           echo "StartupNotify=true" 
           echo "Terminal=true"               
           echo "TerminalOptions=\s--noclose"   
           echo "Type=Application"            
           echo "X-DCOP-ServiceType=none"   
           echo "X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false"
           echo "X-KDE-Username=" 
           } > "drive-image.desktop"
           chmod  ugo+x "drive-image.desktop" # make shortcut executable
           cd $START_DIR # be nice and return to our original dir

           echo -en "\t\t Created desktop shortcut...\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/drive-image.log" 
           echo -en "\n\t\t Press ${YELLOW}[ANY]${OFF} key to return to main menu."
           clear ;;
      4) # we are here because the user wanted to quit
         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t .--------------------- $BOLD About This Program $OFF ---------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  This is a very brief explanation of how this program works.   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  This program will work with all file systems. They do not     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  have to be mounted to work. This program's primary use is to  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  copy complete drive images to identical drives. This will     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  provide an exact backup that is bootable (including MS Win).  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  If you are not interested in a bootable backup, it may be     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  better to use the tar command which offers compact file size. .\n"
         echo -en "\t . $YELLOW This program can be VERY dangerous.$OFF There is no way of        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  knowing what the users intent is. A typo error can cause      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  permanent data loss in less than 1 second!                    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  IDE drives are the most common, so I'll use it as an example. .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Most mother boards provide 4 IDE drive ports attached by 2    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  cables. Each cable can have two drives plugged on to them.    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  UNIX controls them with alias names hda,hdb,hdc, and  hdd.    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Each partition on a drive can be designated by adding a       .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  number. hda1 is the first partition on the first drive, hda3  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  is the third partition of the same drive.                     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  more...                   pg 1 of 3                           .\n"
         echo -en "\t .----------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\n\t\t     Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue... "
         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t .--------------------- $BOLD About This Program $OFF ---------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t . \"dd\" is the UNIX command to make a file or partition image.    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  The \"dd\" command uses IF (in file) and OF (out file) as file  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  system parameters. To completely copy the 1st IDE drive to    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  the 2nd drive, we would use this command...                   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .    $YELLOW dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb $OFF                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Because we did not give partition numbers, the whole 1st      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  drive will be copied to the entire 2nd drive.                 .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  To copy a specific partition we must use the partition        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  number. Suppose we would like to copy the 1st partition of    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  IDE-3 (the \"c\" drive) and have it go to partion 4 of the      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  same drive. We would use this command...                      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .    $YELLOW dd if=/dev/hdc1 of=/dev/hdc4  $OFF                             .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Be forwarned that if the two partitions are not the same      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  size, bad things can happen. You usually are all right if     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  you copy a small partition to a big one, but copying a big    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  one to a small one usually results in data corruption.        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  more...                   pg 2 of 3                           .\n"
         echo -en "\t .----------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\n\t\t     Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue... "
         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t .----------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  To make selecting the file systems easy, I made two           ,\n"
         echo -en "\t .  variables to hold the drive definitions. They are located     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  near the beginning of the program listing. Here is how the    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  actual \"dd\" command looks using variables...                  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  $YELLOW  dd if=/dev/\$IMAGE_FROM of=/dev/\$IMAGE_TO  $OFF                  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  UNIX is very generious in file system support, so this        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  script can be used for SATA, SCSII, and USB drives too. I     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  have not tried other devices such as memory cards, but I      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  can not see any reason they should not work just as well.     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Here are some examples I use with my 250gb development sys.   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  IMAGE_FROM=hda,  IMAGE_TO=hdc    # entire \"A\" to \"C\" drive    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  IMAGE_FROM=hda1, IMAGE_TO=hdc1   # MS Windows partition       .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  IMAGE_FROM=hda7, IMAGE_TO=hdc7   # linux partition            .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Future enhancements will probably include a modest menu       .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  so that manual text editing is not needed to select the       .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  file systems. At the shell prompt, type$YELLOW man fdisk$OFF for some    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  interesting information. I hope this is of some use :)        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                              $BOLD  Jan Zumwalt - NeatInfo.com $OFF     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                          pg 3 of 3                             .\n"
         echo -en "\t .----------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\n\t\t     Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue... "
         clear ;;

      5|[QqXx]) # we are here because the user wanted to quit
         echo -en "\n\n"
         echo -en "\t\t      OK! I am quiting...\n"
         echo -en "\n\t\t      Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to exit... "
         echo -en "\n\n"
         exit 1;;
      *) # the users response does not make sense so...
         echo -en "\n\n"
         echo -en "\t\t$BOLD   Please enter ${YELLOW}1,2,3,4,5 $OFF \n"
         echo -en "\n\t\t   Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to try again... "
         echo -en "\n\n"
         clear ;;
exit 1

Last edited by jwzumwalt; 01-05-2009 at 03:53 PM..

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