Maybe check the output of dmesg, what usually is the content of last line or number of lines. But normally I watch a box when it is booting until it is back up and start the applications that did not come up with inittab/init.d.
It depends on what is your init.d/rc.<n>/inittab.
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STARTPAR(8) System Manager's Manual STARTPAR(8)
startpar - start runlevel scripts in parallel
startpar [-p par] [-i iorate] [-t timeout] [-T global_timeout] [-a arg] prg1 prg2 ...
startpar [-p par] [-i iorate] [-t timeout] [-T global_timeout] -M [ boot|start|stop]
startpar is used to run multiple run-level scripts in parallel. The degree of parallelism on one CPU can be set with the -p option, the
default is full parallelism. An argument to all of the scripts can be provided with the -a option. Processes blocked by pending I/O will
cause new process creation to be weighted by the iorate factor 800. To change this factor the option -i can be used to specify another
value. The amount weight=(nblockedxiorate)/1000 will be subtracted from the total number of processes which could be started, where
nblocked is the number of processes currently blocked by pending I/O.
The output of each script is buffered and written when the script exits, so output lines of different scripts won't mix. You can modify
this behaviour by setting a timeout.
The timeout set with the -t option is used as buffer timeout. If the output buffer of a script is not empty and the last output was timeout
seconds ago, startpar will flush the buffer.
The -T option timeout works more globally. If no output is printed for more than global_timeout seconds, startpar will flush the buffer of
the script with the oldest output. Afterwards it will only print output of this script until it is finished.
The -M option switches startpar into a make(1) like behaviour. This option takes three different arguments: boot, start, and stop for
reading .depend.boot or .depend.start or .depend.stop respectively in the directory /etc/init.d/. By scanning the boot and runlevel direc-
tories in /etc/init.d/ it then executes the appropriate scripts in parallel.
init(8) insserv(8).
2003,2004 SuSE Linux AG, Nuernberg, Germany.
2007 SuSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
Michael Schroeder <mls@suse.de>
Takashi Iwai <tiwai@suse.de>
Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>
Jun 2003 STARTPAR(8)