Making things run faster
I am processing some terabytes of information on a computer having 8 processors (each with 4 cores) with a 16GB RAM and 5TB hard drive implemented as a RAID. The processing doesn't seem to be blazingly fast perhaps because of the IO limitation.
I am basically running a perl script to read some data and then either modify it a little or grep something out of it and writing it back to disk. Could someone please tell me if there is a superior method I could use to improve performance?
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vmquery -m $MediaID | awk '
BEGIN {FS=": "
getline expdate <"ExpDate.txt"
$1 ~ /media ID/ {MediaNumber = $NF}
$1 ~ /number of mounts/ {
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OS: Linux Red Hat
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83 1453
99 3255
99 8482
99 7372
83 175
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play_sample(3alleg4) Allegro manual play_sample(3alleg4)
play_sample - Plays a sample. Allegro game programming library.
#include <allegro.h>
int play_sample(const SAMPLE *spl, int vol, int pan, int freq, int loop);
Triggers a sample at the specified volume, pan position, and frequency. The parameters `vol' and `pan' range from 0 (min/left) to 255
(max/right). Frequency is relative rather than absolute: 1000 represents the frequency that the sample was recorded at, 2000 is twice
this, etc. If `loop' is not zero, the sample will repeat until you call stop_sample(), and can be manipulated while it is playing by call-
ing adjust_sample(). Example:
/* Scream from the left speaker, twice the freq. */
int sound = play_sample(scream, 255, 0, 2000, 0);
Returns the voice number that was allocated for the sample or negative if no voices were available.
install_sound(3alleg4), load_sample(3alleg4), adjust_sample(3alleg4), stop_sample(3alleg4), exsample(3alleg4), exsprite(3alleg4)
Allegro version 4.4.2 play_sample(3alleg4)