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Special Forums News, Links, Events and Announcements Software Releases - RSS News view3dscene 3.0.0 (Default branch) Post 302235930 by Linux Bot on Saturday 13th of September 2008 09:30:12 PM
Old 09-13-2008
view3dscene 3.0.0 (Default branch)

Image view3dscene is a browser for VRML (1.0 and 2.0) and X3D, and a viewer for other 3D model formats (3DS, MD3, Wavefront OBJ, and Collada are handled). It supports viewing the scene in the "Examine" mode and walking in the virtual world with features such as collision detection and gravity. Rendering is done using OpenGL. A built-in ray-tracer allows the generation of images with more effects (like shadows and mirrors) and conforming precisely to the VRML 97 lighting specification. The program can also convert files from 3DS, MD3, and other formats to VRML and pretty-print VRML files. License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Changes:
The main new features are X3D support and an events mechanism. Many new nodes related to events were implemented: four basic sensor nodes, linear interpolation nodes, and X3D event utilities. The implementation of existing features was improved to take events into account: binding nodes, routing events to GLSL shaders, controlling Inline and InlineLoadControl, and prototypes. MovieTexture is handled, with an extension to load image sequences with full alpha channel. Recording movies is possible. Other new features include Extrusion, BlendMode, KambiInline nodes, new X3D triangles/quads primitives, and HAnim nodes. Image


GENSURF(1)						      General Commands Manual							GENSURF(1)

gensurf - generate a RADIANCE or Wavefront description of a curved surface SYNOPSIS
gensurf mat name 'x(s,t)' 'y(s,t)' 'z(s,t)' m n [ -e expr ][ -f file ][ -s ][ -o ] gensurf mat name 'x(s,t)' 'y(s,t)' dfile m n [ -e expr ][ -f file ][ -s ][ -o ] gensurf mat name dfile dfile dfile m n [ -s ][ -o ] DESCRIPTION
Gensurf produces either a RADIANCE scene description or a Wavefront .OBJ file of a functional surface defined by the parametric equations x(s,t), y(s,t), and z(s,t). The surface normal is defined by the right hand rule as applied to (s,t). S will vary from 0 to 1 in steps of 1/m, and t will vary from 0 to 1 in steps of 1/n. The surface will be composed of 2*m*n or fewer triangles and quadrilaterals. The expressions are of the same type used in RADIANCE function files. Auxiliary expressions and/or files may be specified in any number of -e and -f options. The -s option adds smoothing (surface normal interpolation) to the surface. The -o option produces a Wavefront .OBJ file rather than a RADIANCE scene description. This is most useful as input to the obj2mesh(1) program for producing a compiled mesh. A single "usemtl" statement will appear at the beginning of the .OBJ output, echoing the modifier given on the command line. Rough holes may be cut in the mesh by defining a valid(s,t) function. Where this function is positive, polygon vertices will be produced. Where it is negative, no geometry will be output. Surface normal interpolation will ignore any invalid vertices. The second invocation form reads z data values from the file dfile. This file must give either m*n or (m+1)*(n+1) floating point z values. If m*n values are given, then the values correspond to the centroid of each quadrilateral region. If (m+1)*(n+1) values are given, then the values correspond to the vertices of each quadrilateral region. The ordering of the data in the file is such that the s values are changing faster than the t values. If a minus ('-') is given for dfile, then the values are read from the standard input. The third invocation form is used to read coordinate triplets from a file or the standard input. The three dfile arguments must all be the same, and the corresponding file must contain three floating point values for each point location. The ordering and other details are the same as those described for z value files above. EXAMPLE
To generate a tesselated sphere: gensurf crystal ball 'sin(PI*s)*cos(2*PI*t)' 'cos(PI*s)' 'sin(PI*s)*sin(2*PI*t)' 7 10 To generate a 10x20 smoothed height field from 12 recorded vertex z values: gensurf dirt ground '10*s' '20*t' height.dat 2 3 -s AUTHOR
Greg Ward BUGS
The smoothing operation requires that functions be defined beyond the [0,1] boundaries of s and t. SEE ALSO
genrbox(1), genrev(1), genworm(1), icalc(1), obj2mesh(1), obj2rad(1), rpict(1), rvu(1), xform(1) RADIANCE
11/15/93 GENSURF(1)
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