need shell script to get last 10 char from a file name and write in to a new file
i have no idea abount shell script but i need need shell script to get last 10 char from a file name and write in to a new file.
consider u hav 5 files in a particular dir i script should get last 10 char of each file n write the 10 char in separate files
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-could any one help me with this (I'm new to UNIX)
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if ; then
. $1
error "$ERROR_CODE : Input file $1 is not available";
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5. Shell Programming and Scripting
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find /root/data -type f -name "text*) | while read FILES
newfile=${FILES/type_2.0_20101208_34.xml / tmp.xml}
mv "$FILES" "$newfile"
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Input file format:... (1 Reply)
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8. Shell Programming and Scripting
I need to do one thing that my script creates the file
touch release.SPLASH_12_03_00_RC01.txt
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Thanks (1 Reply)
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9. Shell Programming and Scripting
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I need to write a simple shell script which will generate a .csv file/report by calling .sql file inside a shell script.
Can somebody help me on this.
Thanks in advance!
LK (7 Replies)
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dh_compress - compress files and fix symlinks in package build directories
dh_compress [debhelperoptions] [-Xitem] [-A] [file...]
dh_compress is a debhelper program that is responsible for compressing the files in package build directories, and makes sure that any
symlinks that pointed to the files before they were compressed are updated to point to the new files.
By default, dh_compress compresses files that Debian policy mandates should be compressed, namely all files in usr/share/info,
usr/share/man, files in usr/share/doc that are larger than 4k in size, (except the copyright file, .html and other web files, image files,
and files that appear to be already compressed based on their extensions), and all changelog files. Plus PCF fonts underneath
These files are deprecated.
If this file exists, the default files are not compressed. Instead, the file is ran as a shell script, and all filenames that the shell
script outputs will be compressed. The shell script will be run from inside the package build directory. Note though that using -X is a
much better idea in general; you should only use a debian/package.compress file if you really need to.
-Xitem, --exclude=item
Exclude files that contain item anywhere in their filename from being compressed. For example, -X.tiff will exclude TIFF files from
compression. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude.
-A, --all
Compress all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted on.
file ...
Add these files to the list of files to compress.
Debian policy, version 3.0
This program is a part of debhelper.
Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>
8.9.0ubuntu2.1 2012-06-12 DH_COMPRESS(1)