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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need help in creating a Unix Script to parse xml file Post 302184024 by ag79 on Thursday 10th of April 2008 10:18:51 AM
Old 04-10-2008
of course you can use a complicated awk script to do this (and handle the cases when the sequence of data is something else than you gave above), but i would suggest you import the xml file in a database (for example, ms access or ms excel) and then run an sql query to extract the data the way you want. i think access can also create normalised tables for you.

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Parse xml file

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Parse xml file

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oar-database(1) 						   OAR commands 						   oar-database(1)

oar-database - create/initialize/upgrade/reset/drop the oar database SYNOPSIS
oar-database --create [OPTIONS] oar-database --drop [OPTIONS] oar-database --setup [OPTIONS] oar-database --reset [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION
Manage the oar database. --setup Initialize/Upgrade an existing database. --reset Reset an existing database. --create Create and initialize a new database/user. --drop Drop an existing database/user. OPTIONS
General parameters --conf=OAR_CONF_FILE Define the oar configuration file to use. By default /etc/oar/oar.conf is used. This file doesn't exist, the default parameters for each value are used. --update-conf The database parameters given in the command line are writen to the OAR_CONF_FILE -h,--help Display this help. -d,--debug Display more information during the script execution -f,--force-sql Force to resume the execution even if an sql instruction fails -y,--force-yes This option will cause oar-database to continue without prompting if it is doins something potentially harmful Database admin parameters These parameters are only needed for database/user creation or removing. --db-is-local For --create or --drop, this option tells that the database is local. oar-database can use local admin account to execute command (useful for postgres). --db-admin-user=DB_ADMIN_USER For --create or --drop, this option gives the privilegied user to use. --db-admin-pass=DB_ADMIN_PASS For --create or --drop, this option gives the privilegied user pass to use. SQL parameters By default, if not specified, all the sql parameters are taken from the OAR_CONF_FILE. It is preferable to set these values directly to this file. --db-type=DB_TYPE The type of the SQL database. It can be currently, mysql or Pg (for postgresql). --db-user=DB_USER Connect to the database as the user DB_USER instead of the one given in OAR_CONF_FILE. By default, if OAR_CONF_FILE doesn't specify a user, it is oar. --db-pass=DB_PASS Connect to the database with the password DB_PASS instead of the one given in OAR_CONF_FILE. --db-host=DB_HOST Connect to the database on the host DB_HOST, By default, if OAR_CONF_FILE doesn't specify a host, it is localhost. --db-port=DB_PORT Connect to the database on the port DB_PORT, By default, if OAR_CONF_FILE doesn't specify a port, the value depend on the DB_TYPE. if DB_TYPE is mysql, DB_PORT is 3306. If DB_TYPE is postgresql, DB_PORT is 5432. --db-name=DB_NAME Connect to the database on the host DB_HOST, By default, if OAR_CONF_FILE doesn't specify a database name, it is oar. --db-ro-user=DB_RO_USER same as --db-user except that it is for the read only access. --db-ro-pass=DB_RO_PASS same as --db-pass except that it is for the read only access. EXAMPLES
Mysql First you need to specify the sql parameters in /etc/oar/oar.conf. These parameters will be used by oar-database. To create a new database (assuming that the sql root password is PASS): oar-database --create --db-admin-user root --db-admin-pass PASS To upgrade an existing database: oar-database --setup Postgresql First you need to specify the sql parameters in /etc/oar/oar.conf. These parameters will be used by oar-database. Then if your postgresql database is on the local system, you can use the option --db-is-local (otherwise, the procedure is the same as Mysql). So oar-database will use the postgres unix user to administrate the database (you need privilegied access to the local system). To create a new database: oar-database --create --db-is-local To upgrade an existing database: oar-database --setup Advanced usages To make some tests or to administrate several databases, you can also specify the sql parameters on the command line. For example: oar-database --create --db-type=Pg --db-host=HOST --db-user=oar --db-pass=PASS --db-admin-user=ADMIN_USER --db-admin-pass=ADMIN_PASS will create the oar database and the oar user on the postgresql system hosted by HOST. The user ADMIN_USER must have the right to create new databases and new roles on this system. FILES
/usr/lib/oar/database/mysql_structure.sql, /usr/lib/oar/database/pg_structure.sql SQL instructions for creating the structure of the oar database. /usr/lib/oar/database/mysql_default_admission_rules.sql, /usr/lib/oar/database/pg_default_admission_rules.sql SQL instructions for inserting the default admission rules in the oar database. /usr/lib/oar/database/default_data.sql SQL instructions for inserting the default data in the oar database. /usr/lib/oar/database/mysql_reset_structure.sql, /usr/lib/oar/database/pg_reset_structure.sql SQL instruction for emptying an existing oar database. /usr/lib/oar/database/mysql_structure_upgrade_*.sql, /usr/lib/oar/database/pg_structure_upgrade_*.sql SQL instructions for upgrading an existing database. oar-database 2012-06-26 oar-database(1)
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