gVim creates and leaves strange tilde ~ files in Windows
Hey folks,
I have used gVim in Windows for many years but I have never found an answer to a very simple question I am going to ask you guys...
My question is if there is a way to eliminate the creation of those ~ files that gVim creates in Windows. If you have ever used gVim in Windows you probably noticed that gVim creates a file with the same name as the one you were editing except tacks a tilde (sp?) "~" to the end...
Meaning if I were to edit the file "example.txt" gVim creates a file "example.txt~" and puts it in the same directory (as the original). I would not mind this if the file were deleted after I close gVim, but the file remains even after I close gVim. (I can open these "tilde files" and the appear to be just like the originals.)
Anyone know how to prevent the file from being created or how to have gVim automatically delete it when the editing is done?
Thanks a million!
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QUIZ(6) BSD Games Manual QUIZ(6)
quiz -- random knowledge tests
quiz [-t] [-i file] [question answer]
The quiz utility tests your knowledge of random facts. It has a database of subjects from which you can choose. With no arguments, quiz
displays the list of available subjects.
The options are as follows:
-t Use tutorial mode, in which questions are repeated later if you didn't get them right the first time, and new questions are presented
less frequently to help you learn the older ones.
-i Specify an alternative index file.
Subjects are divided into categories. You can pick any two categories from the same subject. quiz will ask questions from the first cate-
gory and it expects answers from the second category. For example, the command ``quiz victim killer'' asks questions which are the names of
victims, and expects you to answer with the cause of their untimely demise, whereas the command ``quiz killer victim'' works the other way
If you get the answer wrong, quiz lets you try again. To see the right answer, enter a blank line.
Index and Data File Syntax
The index and data files have a similar syntax. Lines in them consist of several categories separated by colons. The categories are regular
expressions formed using the following meta-characters:
pat|pat alternative patterns
{pat} optional pattern
[pat] delimiters, as in pat[pat|pat]pat
In an index file, each line represents a subject. The first category in each subject is the pathname of the data file for the subject. The
remaining categories are regular expressions for the titles of each category in the subject.
In data files, each line represents a question/answer set. Each category is the information for the question/answer for that category.
The backslash character (``'') is used to quote syntactically significant characters, or at the end of a line to signify that a continuation
line follows.
If either a question or its answer is empty, quiz will refrain from asking it.
/usr/share/games/quiz The default index and data files.
quiz is pretty cynical about certain subjects.
May 31, 1993 BSD