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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Passing PL/SQL variable value to Shell Varible Post 302104866 by ganapati on Monday 29th of January 2007 07:38:21 AM
Old 01-29-2007
Java Passing PL/SQL variable value to Shell Varible

Hi my UNIX Friends,

Im calling some SQL scripts through Unix Shell scripting.
How do I export the value of PL/SQL variable value into a Unix shell script variable?

Also could any one inform me about the 'search' and 'cut' utility of PL/SQL
(like 'grep' and 'cut' in Shell scripting).

Thanks and Regards,
Ganapathi. Smilie

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SQL types with PDO_4D and PHP - SQL types with PDO_4D and PHP

       Supported SQL types

       |  Type SQL 4D	 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |	      Equivalent 4D		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		   Note 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       | ALPHA_NUMERIC	 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		   TEXT 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		T{ VARCHAR		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		   TEXT 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		 T{ TEXT		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		   TEXT 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |	       T{ TIMESTAMP		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		   DATE 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |	       T{ INTERVAL		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		   HOUR 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |	       T{ DURATION		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		   HOUR 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		T{ BOOLEAN		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		 BOOLEAN		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		  T{ BIT		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		 BOOLEAN		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		 T{ BYTE		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		  INT32 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		 T{ INT16		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		 SMALLINT		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |	       T{ SMALLINT		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		 SMALLINT		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		 T{ INT32		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		  INT32 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		  T{ INT		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		  INT32 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		 T{ INT64		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		  INT64 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		T{ NUMERIC		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		  INT64 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		 T{ REAL		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		   REAL 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 | Unsupported (use VARCHAR conversion) |   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |     FLOAT	 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		  FLOAT 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 | Unsupported (use VARCHAR conversion) |   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |DOUBLE PRECISION |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		  FLOAT 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		 T{ BLOB		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		   BLOB 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 | Must  use  a prepared statement, and |   |
       |		 | PDO::PARAM_LOB			|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |  BIT VARYING	 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		   BLOB 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 | Must use a prepared	statement,  and |   |
       |		 | PDO::PARAM_LOB			|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |      CLOB	 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		   TEXT 		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		T{ PICTURE		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 |		 PICTURE		|   |
       |		 |					|   |
       |		 | Must  use  a prepared statement, and |   |
       |		 | PDO::PARAM_LOB			|   |
       |		 |					|   |
PHP Documentation Group 											  SQL-TYPES-WITH-PDO_4D-AND-PHP(3)
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