I use Ubuntu on my newly built deaktop and on my Thinkpad X24.
I use OS X 10.4 on my 2 PowerMacs (PPC) and on my 2 PowerBooks.
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LINUX-VERSION(1) General Commands Manual LINUX-VERSION(1)
linux-version - operate on Linux kernel version strings
linux-version compare VERSION1 OP VERSION2
linux-version sort [--reverse] [VERSION1 VERSION2 ...]
linux-version list [--paths]
linux-version operates on Linux kernel version strings as reported by uname -r and used in file and directory names. These version strings
do not follow the same rules as Debian package version strings and should not be compared as such or as arbitrary strings.
Compare version strings, where OP is a binary operator. linux-version returns success (zero result) if the specified condition is
satisfied, and failure (nonzero result) otherwise. The valid operators are: lt le eq ne ge gt
sort [--reverse] [VERSION1 VERSION2 ...]
Sort the given version strings and print them in order from lowest to highest. If the --reverse option is used, print them in order
from highest to lowest.
If no version strings are given as arguments, the version strings will instead be read from standard input, one per line. They may
be suffixed by arbitrary text after a space, which will be included in the output. This means that, for example:
linux-version list --paths | linux-version sort --reverse
will list the installed versions and corresponding paths in order from highest to lowest version.
list [--paths]
List kernel versions installed in the customary location. If the --paths option, show the corresponding path for each version.
linux-version and this manual page were written by Ben Hutchings as part of the Debian linux-base package.
30 March 2011 LINUX-VERSION(1)