Hi all,
I am having problem with a shell script. I have a couple of csv files. The shell script will do some operation on them, create a sql file which will then be called by sqlplus. The problem is to gracefully exit sqlplus at the end of every operation as I do not want to hang on to the... (4 Replies)
I am attempting to access an Oracle 9i database located on a Solaris server from an XP client. The server is running Oracle 9i9. and the XP is Oracle client 9i When I start a listener on the server, the listener starts but I receive a message “The listener supports no services”. I... (3 Replies)
Hi all
In my script i am getting two variables year and month from oracle by making two connections. In the first connection i am getting varaibel year and again i am making another connection and getting month variable from oracle.
Is there any way i can get two field values from oracle and... (1 Reply)
For connecting to oracle my script is using the command
sqlplus username/password@db_instance_name.For this to work i am setting ORACLE_HOME,TNS_ADMIN and ORACLE_SID in a seperate script.My question is,could we make a connection to oracle just by the command
sqlplus... (4 Replies)
My problem is this....:eek:
Platform=Sun Solaris UNIX / Oracle 10g
1) I'm trying to SSH from my local system A to remote system B
2) Once connected, I need to sudo to ID that has the ability to connect to the Oracle database
3) Then run a script that connects via sqlplus and... (2 Replies)
Hi all,
Will I be able to connect to oracle using UBUNTU. If so, can any one provide me the steps. I want to try table archival and sql loader using control files. Please do help.
Raaga (1 Reply)
Oracle 9.2
Solaris 10
From the shell script ........How can we verify whether oracle connection is successful or not ?
Shell script will prompt the user to enter the oracle schema username, password and tns name.
So, *how to verify whether oracle connection has been established or... (14 Replies)
I've a Centralized Server which can connect to all Oracle Databases.
When I was trying the below code it doesn't work, But tnsping was working fine.
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:QBDIWCE', 'IDUSER', 'SECRET123#' ) || die( $DBI::errstr . "\n" ) ;
... (1 Reply)
am making oracle connection through pro*c using the following command
exec sql connect username identified by password.
but m getting the following errors frequently even though listener and db is running fine but some times code is working fine and not giving errors.
... (2 Replies)
Hi I have a question regarding Oracle connection using the below code
${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -s $user/$pwd@$sid <<!EOF 1>> $v_log_dir/$v_job_log.out 2>> $v_log_dir/$v_job_log.err
prompt stored procedure beginning . . .
exec xx_interface_pkg.pr_xx_clms_out($datayears,$keepmonths);
... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: smilingraja
3 Replies
Authen::Simple::Passwd(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Authen::Simple::Passwd(3pm)NAME
Authen::Simple::Passwd - Simple Passwd authentication
use Authen::Simple::Passwd;
my $passwd = Authen::Simple::Passwd->new(
path => '/etc/passwd'
if ( $passwd->authenticate( $username, $password ) ) {
# successfull authentication
# or as a mod_perl Authen handler
PerlModule Authen::Simple::Apache
PerlModule Authen::Simple::Passwd
PerlSetVar AuthenSimplePasswd_path "/etc/passwd"
<Location /protected>
PerlAuthenHandler Authen::Simple::Passwd
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Protected Area"
Require valid-user
Authenticate against a passwd file.
* new
This method takes a hash of parameters. The following options are valid:
* path Path to passwd file to authenticate against. Any standard passwd file that has records seperated with newline and fields seper-
ated by ":" is supported. First field is expected to be username and second field, plain or encrypted password. Required.
path => '/etc/passwd'
path => '/var/www/.htpasswd'
* flock A boolean to enable or disable the usage of "flock()". Defaults to "d_flock" in Config.
flock => 0
* log Any object that supports "debug", "info", "error" and "warn".
log => Log::Log4perl->get_logger('Authen::Simple::Passwd')
* authenticate( $username, $password )
Returns true on success and false on failure. Authentication attempts with a username that begins with a hyphen "-" will always return
Christian Hansen "ch@ngmedia.com"
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
perl v5.8.8 2008-03-01 Authen::Simple::Passwd(3pm)