Try this style
When you want to create the file use the > and when appending use >>.
Example:cat file1 > table.txt then cat file2 >> table.txt
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1. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
I need help in finding a script to monitor loads for 8+ servers on a single console. The goal here is to centralize it and run the script from a single server. Can anyone help on this?
Im running this script on each server to monitor the load.
while true; do w | grep average | grep -v grep... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: locabuilt
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2. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have tried to find some sort of previous similar thread on this but not quite close to what I want to achieve.
Basically I have two class of data in my file..e.g
I wanted to read the "yes" entry to an... (5 Replies)
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3. Web Development
i want a script to load the data line by line from a csv file into a mysql
table (3 Replies)
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4. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi! I've make a script that gets a list of 200 Ip's and calls another script once per ip in a infinite loop with a pause of 10 seconds. So It calls over 200 times every 10 seconds the second script (that makes a fping). But this cause a load average of 30. I've been reading about this and I... (4 Replies)
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5. Shell Programming and Scripting
friends , need a shell script to create a disk load. can any one pls guide me with how this can be implemented. Pls provide the concept. from there i will try to design my script. (3 Replies)
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6. AIX
Hi, may I know how to automatically load a script once I login? For example, I want to load "set -o vi" command once I login in my Aix. (2 Replies)
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7. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi all,
Is there any command in Unix, which will stop the load process if any error is found in the i/p file?
I am trying to load 5 files sequentially.
A then
B then
C then
D then
E end;
1) If A encounter's any error while data load, the load process should stop, and it should not... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: msrahman
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8. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have created next scritpt to do the next: chekp if host is alive. When the host down, launch telnet other equip to do checks.
When execute the script the load average of the machines increase. For example:
Before launch script
top - 11:14:56 up 14 days, 18:06, 3 users, load... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: capilla
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9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hello, on my hostserver i see one VPS of mine got load of 200.00 and netstat nothing (not a single blank line on netstat command) after some time, netstat started showing connections, but i see no excessive IP connections.
tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log shows no activity
/var/log/messages ;... (1 Reply)
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1 Replies
BUILDAPP(1) User Commands BUILDAPP(1)
buildapp - application to create common lisp images
buildapp --output OUTPUT-FILE [--flag1 value1 ...]
Required flags:
--output OUTPUT-FILE
Use OUTPUT-FILE as the name of the executable to create
Entry-point flags:
--entry NAME
Use the function identified by NAME as the executable's toplevel function. Called with SB-EXT:*POSIX-ARGV* as its only argument. If
NAME has a colon, it is treated as a package separator, otherwise CL-USER is the implied package.
--dispatched-entry DNAME
Specify one possible entry function, depending on the name of the file that is used to start the application. The syntax of DNAME is
APPLICATION-NAME/ENTRY-NAME. If the name used to start the executable matches APPLICATION-NAME, use ENTRY-NAME as the entry point.
This can be used to choose one of many possible entry points by e.g. symlinking names to the application executable. If APPLICA-
TION-NAME is empty, the specified ENTRY-NAME is used as a default if no other application names match. There may be any number of
dispatched entry points, but only one default.
Action flags:
--load FILE
Load FILE. CL:*PACKAGE* is bound to the CL-USER package before loading
--load-system NAME
Load an ASDF system identified by NAME
--require NAME
--eval CODE
Use CL:EVAL to evaulate CODE. The code is read with CL:READ-FROM-STRING in the CL-USER package
There may be any number of load/load-system/require/eval flags. Each is executed in command-line order before creating an executable.
Load path flags:
--load-path DIRECTORY
When handling a --load, search DIRECTORY for files to load
--asdf-path DIRECTORY
When handling a --load-system, search DIRECTORY for ASDF system files to load
--asdf-tree DIRECTORY
When handling a --load-system, search DIRECTORY and all its subdirectories for ASDF system files to load
There may be any number of load-path/asdf-path/asdf-tree flags. asdf-path arguments take precedence over asdf-tree arguments.
Other flags:
--help Show this usage message
--logfile FILE
Log compilation and load output to FILE
Use PATH-TO-SBCL instead of the sbcl program found in your PATH environment variable
For the latest documentation, see http://www.xach.com/lisp/buildapp/
buildapp 1.1 July 2010 BUILDAPP(1)