geting server name(ipaddress)
can any one say how to get the server name if we know the ipaddress
nslookup gives ipaddress if server name is given
in the same way can i have server name if i know ipaddress
thanks & regards
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RLM_IPPOOL_TOOL(8) System Manager's Manual RLM_IPPOOL_TOOL(8)
rlm_ippool_tool - dump the contents of the FreeRadius ippool database files
If an ipaddress is specified then that address is used to limit the actions or output.
rlm_ippool_tool [-a] [-c] [-o] [-v] session-db index-db [ipaddress]
Mark the entry nasIP/nasPort as having ipaddress
rlm_ippool_tool -n session-db index-db ipaddress nasIP nasPort
Update old format database to new.
rlm_ippool_tool -u session-db new-session-db
rlm_ippool_tool dumps the contents of the FreeRADIUS ippool databases for analyses or for removal of active (stuck?) entries.
Or with the -n argument adds a usage entry to the FreeRADIUS ippool databases.
-a Print all active entries.
-c Report number of active entries.
-r Remove active entries.
-v Verbose report of all entries.
-o Assume old database format (nas/port pair, not md5 output).
-n Mark the entry nasIP/nasPort as having ipaddress.
-u Update old format database to new.
Given the syntax in the FreeRadius radiusd.conf:
ippool myippool {
range-start =
range-stop =
session-db = ${raddbdir}/ip-pool.db
ip-index = ${raddbdir}/ip-index.db
To see the number of active entries in this pool, use:
$ rlm_ippool_tool -c ip-pool.db ip-index.db
To see all active entries in this pool, use:
$ rlm_ippool_tool -a ip-pool.db ip-index.db
To see all information about the active entries in the use, use:
$ rlm_ippool_tool -av ip-pool.db ip-index.db
NAS: port:0x2e8 - ipaddr: active:1 cli:0 num:1
NAS: port:0x17c - ipaddr: active:1 cli:0 num:1
NAS: port:0x106 - ipaddr: active:1 cli:0 num:1
NAS: port:0x157 - ipaddr: active:1 cli:0 num:1
NAS: port:0x2d8 - ipaddr: active:1 cli:0 num:1
NAS: port:0x162 - ipaddr: active:1 cli:0 num:1
To see only information of one entry, use:
$ rlm_ippool_tool -v ip-pool.db ip-index.db
NAS: port:0x90 - ipaddr: active:0 cli:0 num:0
To add an IP address usage entry, use:
$ rlm_ippool_tool -n ip-pool.db ip-index.db 0x90
rlm_ippool_tool: Allocating ip to nas/port:
rlm_ippool_tool: num: 1
rlm_ippool_tool: Allocated ip to client on nas,port 144
Currently part of the FreeRADIUS Project (http://www.freeradius.org) Originally by Edwin Groothuis, edwin@mavetju.org
Mailing list details are at http://www.freeradius.org/