But how u sort using 2 columns? If the first cloum compared is a tie, then compare the other column?
In general, how to sort(order by) multiple columns?
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Hi All,
I have a flat file with ~ as de-limiter (e.g: aaa~ba a~caa~0~d~e)
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2. Shell Programming and Scripting
Please help
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3. Shell Programming and Scripting
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Can any tell me how to sort the file except first line in the file
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First line: DXYZ
Second line : jumy
third : cmhk
fourth : andy
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4. Shell Programming and Scripting
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for example
test data
12345 zxc vbnmlk... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: zooby
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5. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hello Guys
I have a multiple character delimited flat file "|~|". when I tried to read the data the "|" character also coming
I/P file
Command to get the second column I used
awk -F"|~|" ' {print $2}' ... (2 Replies)
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6. Shell Programming and Scripting
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How is it possible to find out which field is TIME_LAST_VISITED_BY_MD?fro example by seeing the above structure we can saw FACILITY... (5 Replies)
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7. Linux
We have a requirement where we need to loop in a fixed width file in linux and remove a character based on a position for every record. It would highly appreciate if someone can help to automate this.
Appreciate your time and help!
Regards (3 Replies)
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8. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have a file with information like this:
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9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi I have a text file that I want to change some of the characters based on their position. My file contain multiple lines and characters should be counted continuously line by line. For example, I want to convert the 150th T to C. What can I do? Here is a portion of my file:... (10 Replies)
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10. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have a requirement where i need to split a file based on occurence of a character which is present at a fixed position. Description is as below:
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XmTextFieldPosToXY(library call) XmTextFieldPosToXY(library call)
XmTextFieldPosToXY -- A TextField function that accesses the x and y position of a character position
#include <Xm/TextF.h>
Boolean XmTextFieldPosToXY(
Widget widget,
XmTextPosition position,
Position *x,
Position *y);
XmTextFieldPosToXY accesses the x and y position, relative to the upper left corner of the TextField widget, of a given character position
in the text buffer.
widget Specifies the TextField widget ID
position Specifies the character position in the text for which the x and y position is accessed. This is an integer number of characters
from the beginning of the buffer. The first character position is 0.
x Specifies the pointer in which the x position is returned. The returned position is the distance from the left side of the wid-
get to the left border of the character. This value is meaningful only if the function returns True.
y Specifies the pointer in which the y position is returned. The returned position is the distance from the top of the widget to
the character's baseline. This value is meaningful only if the function returns True.
For a complete definition of TextField and its associated resources, see XmTextField(3).
This function returns True if the character position is displayed in the TextField widget; otherwise, it returns False, and no x or y value
is returned.
XmTextFieldPosToXY(library call)