For me anything that uses the debian packaging system is good. I was in the past a SUSE user because I prefer kde and SUSE is more kde geared, but was never a fan of rpm packaging system, Kubuntu severs me well in both respects as it also allows me easy access to gnome apps where they are needed, and so its parent Ubuntu get my vote.
I would also like to make mention of DSL for specific purposes where a small footprint is required.
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MEINPROC4(8) KDE User's Manual MEINPROC4(8)
meinproc4 - KDE translator for XML
meinproc4 [--help] [Generic-options] [Qt-options] [KDE-options] [--cache file] [--check] [--htdig] [--srcdir] [--param key=value] [[[-o] |
[--output]] file] [--stdout] [--stylesheet xsl] docbook_file
meinproc4 converts DocBook files to HTML.
Show author information.
Show help about options.
Show all options.
Show KDE specific options.
Show Qt specific options.
Show license information.
Show version information
--cache file
Create a cache file for the document
Check the document for validity
The output can be a bit daunting, since one small mistake can cause a cascade of errors.
The trick is to look at the first error, fix that error, save the file, and run meinproc4 again.
Create a ht://dig compatible index
-o, --output file
Output whole document to file.
Output whole document to stdout.
--stylesheet xsl
Stylesheet to use
--srcdir dir
Set the root directory to look for kdelibs
--param key=value
Set parameters to pass to the stylesheet.
The most common way to run meinproc4 is simply as
meinproc4 docbook-file
where docbook-file is usually index.docbook. This command creates HTML pages from the DocBook file. Note that these pages are only viewable
in KDE-based browsers (like Konqueror).
If you need to view the HTML output in another browser (for example, if you're placing it on line), use
meinproc4 --stylesheet stylesheet-name docbook-file
where stylesheet-name is the full path to one of the XSL stylesheets in $KDEDIR/share/apps/ksgmltools/customization. To produce output
suitable for the web, you can use kde-web.xsl or kde-chunk-online.xsl. See the README file in that directory for more details.
kdeoptions(7), qtoptions(7)
There are probably tons of bugs. Use bugs.kde.org[1] to report them.
1. bugs.kde.org
0.01.01 2008-10-03 MEINPROC4(8)