How to "Print Screen" from a dumb terminal on AIX?

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users How to "Print Screen" from a dumb terminal on AIX?
# 1  
Old 10-31-2002
Question How to "Print Screen" from a dumb terminal on AIX?

Hello Everyone,

How can I send a screen print of a dumb terminal to a printer?
AIX v4.3.3

Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 10-31-2002
In general, you can't. But it depends on the exact "dumb terminal" that you are using. With vt100's or clones thereof, this cannot be done. With HP terminals, it is possible to write a c program that will send an escape sequence to terminal that will induce it to transmit the line on which the cursor currently sits. By moving the cursor around with escape sequences and then retrieving the current line, the program can, with some effort, obtain a copy of everything on the screen. This is not a piece of cake though.
# 3  
Old 10-31-2002
Are you wanting to just dump the current page to printer or text file?

There is a program for BSDs (and I betcha on Linux and others as well) called script that allows the user to capture output to a text file. While it is not exactly what you seek, it could be used for capturing output and later dumping to a printer.
# 4  
Old 11-15-2002
If you have a DEC VT or IBM terminal (I guess other brands do the same), you can attach a serial printer to the AUX port and after activating it in the terminal setup, you can hot key print the screen to the AUX port.

You could use the screen command and use software hardcopy of the virtual screen.

You could use the typescript output file and edit it before printing it (script command saves all input and output to a file).
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