use of date in LOG FILES! how to?

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# 1  
Old 07-18-2002
use of date in LOG FILES! how to?

how can i use the date command to create unique log file names? ie, trying to do backups, i want to output a listing of what was backed up to an output log file for that day:

tar cvf /dev/rmt/0 /usr/ /export/home > dateadmin.log where date would be teh current year, day month.

I'm using the korn shell, ksh environment, any help appreciated, thanks, kym
# 2  
Old 07-18-2002
date +%y%d%m will give you 021807 (for today anyway)

touch `date +%y%d%m`admin.log would create

Also, Perderabo has a datecalc script that may be useful.

Perderabo's datecalc
# 3  
Old 07-18-2002
date log file, that didn't work

I tried touch 'date +%y%m%d'admin.log and no go. Could something not be set up right in my ksh shell? I've looked through 3 books and that command should work, but does not. Any other ideas? will try the pederabo thing next.
# 4  
Old 07-18-2002
date calc

Don't think that script date calc is what i'm looking for, the date command works fine, i put in $> date +%Y%m%d and get
20020718 back, no probs, just trying to incorporate that into a redirected log file name isn't working.
# 5  
Old 07-18-2002
Check the character you are using when typing the command:

touch `date +%y%d%m`admin.log
touch 'date +%y%m%d'admin.log

Difference is ` versus '. (I copied from your post - assuming it's what you used to try the command).
# 6  
Old 07-18-2002
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Ohmigosh, i cannot believe that. i was using hte apostrophe, never paid it much attention, figured it was the difference between shell environments vs what the references i was looking at were using!!!! when i used the ` instead of apostrophe ' it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the ` is up near the 1 on a standard pc keyboard. DOH! Thanks again
# 7  
Old 07-18-2002
'`" $()

Instead of backquote `command` use $(command)
Less change of typo's and it reads easier.
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