several arguments together

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting several arguments together
# 8  
Old 07-03-2002
linuxpenguin suggestion ($# )works in sh and ksh but not csh. What is your script written in?

Using sh or ksh:
$ cat newtest
echo $#
$ ./newtest what is this

Using csh:
% ./newtest what is this
Variable syntax

The other suggestion, $@, gives the following in sh or ksh (csh gives same error)

$ cat newtest
echo $@
$ ./newtest what is this
what is this
# 9  
Old 07-04-2002
I'm using sh and both are working
$# = number of args
#@ = all args together

my problem is : how to use them ?!
My tests are giving me wrong results !
I need to find my args as a sentence in the right order....
For instance > loc arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
with $@ = arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 which could be "hi how are you" sentence.
I don't know how to use $# as $@ does not work in Egrep_source due to the quotes...

thanks again
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