Require Help for Shell Script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Require Help for Shell Script
# 8  
Old 01-31-2008

Dear jagnikam,

./ line 7: [: /var/spool/mail: integer expression expected
This error mean values of $usep variable is null...

debug it using sh -x <>
and check why the value of /var/spool/mail is cuming null.

u'll be able to kno the error

# 9  
Old 01-31-2008
MySQL Thanks Pankaj

Thanks Pankaj Smilie
# 10  
Old 02-01-2008
CPU & Memory require help for Shell Script

Hi finally i used this script but i can not remove blank lines from output then while it compare with 90 it gives me error like " expr: syntax error "
this is just because of BLANK LINES


df -h | while read name
aa=$(echo $name | grep -v | grep -v | grep -v | grep -v | grep -v | grep -v | grep -v Filesystem | grep % | grep -v ^$ )
echo $aa

for i in $aa ; do
if [ "$i" == " " ]; then
echo "empty"

bb=$(echo $aa | awk '{print $4 }' )

echo $bb

cc=$(expr substr $bb 1 2 )

echo $cc

if test $cc -gt 90
echo " size greater than 90%"



please help me

Thanks & Regards
Jagannath Nikam
# 11  
Old 02-01-2008
require help for Shell Script

Can anybody overthere who look on above script ..................>>>?
# 12  
Old 02-01-2008
Please be aware this is a Free Forum, people here help because they want to. Using bold large red caps and demanding service, is going to get you ignored real quick! Even if you was paying people, that's not going to get you very far.

My systems don't have a 'df -h' option, so I tested this wtih 'bdf -l" for HP-UX and "df -lk" for Solaris, so you'll need to substitute your 'df -h'.

I'm printing "disk", "percentage" and the "full or has space message"

## Disk full
bdf -l | awk '$5~/100|9[0-9]/{print $1,$5,"Disk Full" }'

## Disk has space
bdf -l |  awk '$5~/[0-8][0-9]/{ if ($5 != "100%") print $1,$5,"Disk has space" }'

so you should be able to use the following:

## Disk full
df -h | awk '$5~/100|9[0-9]/{print $0,$5,"Disk Full" }'

## Disk has space
df -h |  awk '$5~/[0-8][0-9]/{ if ($5 != "100%") print $1,$5,"Disk has space" }'

# 13  
Old 02-04-2008
Question require help for Shell Script

Originally Posted by denn
Please be aware this is a Free Forum, people here help because they want to. Using bold large red caps and demanding service, is going to get you ignored real quick! Even if you was paying people, that's not going to get you very far.

My systems don't have a 'df -h' option, so I tested this wtih 'bdf -l" for HP-UX and "df -lk" for Solaris, so you'll need to substitute your 'df -h'.

I'm printing "disk", "percentage" and the "full or has space message"

## Disk full
bdf -l | awk '$5~/100|9[0-9]/{print $1,$5,"Disk Full" }'

## Disk has space
bdf -l |  awk '$5~/[0-8][0-9]/{ if ($5 != "100%") print $1,$5,"Disk has space" }'

so you should be able to use the following:

## Disk full
df -h | awk '$5~/100|9[0-9]/{print $0,$5,"Disk Full" }'

## Disk has space
df -h |  awk '$5~/[0-8][0-9]/{ if ($5 != "100%") print $1,$5,"Disk has space" }'

Thanks for reply

Both are not working for me I am using Ubuntu Servers. I had mounted some network partition on that System thats why it shows wrong output

Please help me 2 solve this problem
Thanks & regards
# 14  
Old 02-04-2008
MySQL this code worked for me

df -k |tail -n +2| awk '{if($4~/100|9[0-9]%/)print $NF" is out or running out of space ****"; else print $NF" has enough space"}'

if this doesn't work for you can you send a df -k output from your systemSmilie
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