Need help in While Condition

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need help in While Condition
# 1  
Old 10-30-2007
Need help in While Condition

Hi All

I am working on a script , need a help from you guys

This is below script which i have written

x=`who am i`
opt=`echo ${x} | cut -f1 -d' '`
df -d > deljil.txt
if [ "$opt" = "unix" ];then
while read line
sed /$line/d deljil.txt > deljil99.txt
done <unix.txt
while read cjob_name
opt1=`echo ${cjob_name} | cut -f1 -d' '`
echo "Success " $opt1 >> delete.ksh
done <deljil99.txt

This Scripts Read the lines from a file unix.txt and then deletes those lines from deljil.txt and then add the add "Success to the Prefix "

The Problem is it reads the first line and not the second line . can any one help me on this
# 2  
Old 10-30-2007
can you paste same sample lines from unix.txt...
# 3  
Old 10-30-2007

when it reads it from this file it deletes the first line bbb

but not the other lines

# 4  
Old 10-30-2007
The first issue here is that sed works on the whole deljil.txt file everytime for each new value of $line. In effect each execution does works again on previously eliminated lines.
I think the behaviour would be such that the deljil99.txt would contain lines that are continuously dumped from each iteration of the while loop working on values of unix.txt.

What you need to do is a sort of grep -v operation. I'll paste the code in a little bit .......

# 5  
Old 10-30-2007
x=`who am i`
opt=`echo ${x} | cut -f1 -d' '`
df -d > deljil.txt
cp deljil.txt temp.txt
while read line
#sed '/'"$line"'/d' deljil.txt > deljil99.txt
egrep -v "$line" temp.txt > temp2.txt
mv temp2.txt temp.txt
done <unix.txt
mv temp.txt deljil99.txt
while read cjob_name
opt1=`echo ${cjob_name} | cut -f1 -d' '`
echo "Success " $opt1 >> delete.ksh
done <deljil99.txt

try it and let me know if it works .....
ps .. remove deljil.txt after you are done ....

# 6  
Old 10-30-2007
Thanks a lot it worked Smilie
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