Can someone kindly help with appending problem!!!

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Can someone kindly help with appending problem!!!
# 1  
Old 10-23-2007
Can someone kindly help with appending problem!!!

Hi guys,i urgently need help in this problem,i need to append one sentence to another line when it meet a certain word.

For example:

root: root time_last_login = 1191232080 root tty_last_login = /dev/vty0 root host_last_login = rep1nim root unsuccessful_login_count = 0 root time_last_unsuccessful_login = 1183617892 root tty_last_unsuccessful_login = /dev/vty0 root host_last_unsuccessful_login = rep1nim

i need to when it meet the word "root",then it will go to the next line..really hope u guys can help..thanks in advance!!
# 2  
Old 10-23-2007

Can you explain more on your problem so that it will be helpful.

# 3  
Old 10-23-2007
Hi,well..what i trying to do is that when the sentence meet the word "root" it will automatically bring the remaining sentences to the next line,it will somehow be like this after what i wanted

root time_last_login = 1191232080
root tty_last_login = /dev/vty0
root host_last_login = rep1nim
root unsuccessful_login_count = 0
root time_last_unsuccessful_login = 1183617892
root tty_last_unsuccessful_login = /dev/vty0
root host_last_unsuccessful_login = rep1nim

Is there anyway to do that with sed or awk???
# 4  
Old 10-23-2007
Can you show a start state then an end state. This would help to define things.
# 5  
Old 10-23-2007
hey hi,well..the starting is what i post in the start of my thread which is like this

root: root time_last_login = 1191232080 root tty_last_login = /dev/vty0 root host_last_login = rep1nim root unsuccessful_login_count = 0 root time_last_unsuccessful_login = 1183617892 root tty_last_unsuccessful_login = /dev/vty0 root host_last_unsuccessful_login = rep1nim

root time_last_login = 1191232080
root tty_last_login = /dev/vty0
root host_last_login = rep1nim
root unsuccessful_login_count = 0
root time_last_unsuccessful_login = 1183617892
root tty_last_unsuccessful_login = /dev/vty0
root host_last_unsuccessful_login = rep1nim

ya,thats what i want,hope u guys can help!!thanks!!
# 6  
Old 10-23-2007
you could at least show some effort on your part.
awk 'BEGIN{RS="root"}{print "root " $0}' "file"

# 7  
Old 10-23-2007
hey thanks alot ghostdog!!hmmm..ya..haha..cos i am really damn noob in programming..need some pros help..haha..thanks alot..
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