Script to check dos format in a file

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# 8  
Old 04-08-2014
Thanks Guys for prompt response. Sorry for coming back late..

for me escaping with "\r" works fine.

Thanks vbe and all.
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cr(1)							      General Commands Manual							     cr(1)

cr - converts text files between nix EOL and dos EOL SYNOPSIS
cr - | + <input file> <output file> DESCRIPTION
Text files, such as tle files, that come from a dos source usualy have the ^M symbol at the end of every line. Cr converts files between the dos newline format and the normal *nix newline format by stripping the ^M to convert dos to *nix, using the '-' option, or adding ^M to a *nix file to create the proper dos file when the '+' option is used. Although this extra character is not often a problem, programs like seesat5, which are data driven will encounter parsing problems when the extra character is present. It is these problems that cr is intended to repair. Options - | + One or the other of these options is required. The '-' option is used to remove ^M from all newlines found in the dos file. The '+' option is used to add ^M to every newline found in a *nix file. input file Fully delineated path to the input file. As this program is used in the dos environment as well, standard input is not used. output file Fully delineated path to the output file. As this program is used in the dos environment as well, standart output is not used. SEE ALSO
seesat5(1), seesat5(7), SEESAT5.INI(5), tle(5) BUGS
Cr is not an inteligent program. It methodicaly replaces/removes the offending character when it finds it in the correct context. Newline sequences found in contexts other than 'newline' will be replaced/removed just like those found in the proper context. Passing a binary file through cr is not advised, for this reason. Send all inqueries to Dale Scheetz <>. Debian Linux 2 April 96 cr(1)