Extract fragments from file

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# 1  
Old 03-27-2014
[Solved] Extract fragments from file

I have a .xml file that looks something like this :


I want to extract only the 'chunk of file' from '<measInfo>' to '</measInfo>' containing string1 (or a certain string that I choose, so the extraction command should contain a variabe for the string. I'm not very good in awk.. so I need your help.
# 2  
Old 03-27-2014
What have you tried so far?
# 3  
Old 03-27-2014
Well.. it's not really relevant from my point of view. I tried a combination of grep -n (to obtain line number) and cascade of head | tail commands .. which delivers the result, but I need it all to be done in awk.

Now.. from awk all I tried was
 awk "/<measInfo>/,/<\/measInfo>/"

And this gives me all the chunks from <measInfo> to </measInfo> from the target file. But I need to keep only the chucnk that contains the string I look for.. any idea how to keep each chunk in a variable and then to search each variable at a time for my string.. sort of a looping thing.
I know it can be done with awk.. but I don;t have the chops for it

# 4  
Old 03-27-2014
You can try this in awk:
awk '/measInfo/ || s {s=s?s"\n"$0:$0} /<\/measInfo>/{if (s ~ /string1/) print s; s=""}' file

It saves the xml block in a variable and prints it when the tag is closed and the string "string1" is found.

Alternatively you can use perl to unset the input record separator and use a multiline regex:
perl -le 'undef $/; $_=<>; print $1 if /(<measInfo>.*string1.+?<\/measInfo>)/s' file

This User Gave Thanks to Subbeh For This Post:
# 5  
Old 03-27-2014
Originally Posted by Subbeh
You can try this in awk:
awk '/measInfo/ || s {s=s?s"\n"$0:$0} /<\/measInfo>/{if (s ~ /string1/) print s; s=""}' file

It saves the xml block in a variable and prints it when the tag is closed and the string "string1" is found.

Alternatively you can use perl to unset the input record separator and use a multiline regex:
perl -le 'undef $/; $_=<>; print $1 if /(<measInfo>.*string1.+?<\/measInfo>)/s' file

Thank you very much.
# 6  
Old 03-30-2014
One more question..
I tried to use the awk snippet replacing <string1> with a variable and it didn;t work:

-bash-4.1$ awk '/measInfo/ || s {s=s?s"\n"$0:$0} /<\/measInfo>/{if (s ~ /string1/) print s; s=""}' asd | wc -l
-bash-4.1$ targetItem=string1
-bash-4.1$ awk "/measInfo/ || s {s=s?s\"\n\"$0:$0} /<\/measInfo>/{if (s ~ /$targetItem/) print s; s=\"\"}" asd | wc -l

I replaced single quotes with double quotes and added "\" before other double quotes inside the snippet.
But it doesn;t work. Id doesn't give me a syntax error but doesn;t return nothing.
I think the variable substitution is not done..
Any idea how can I accomplis this or what am I doing wrong ?
# 7  
Old 03-30-2014
You could try:
awk '... if (s ~ k) ... }'  k="string1" asd ...

If there is always an empty line between those xml segments (only then) you could use:
awk '$0~k' k="string1" RS= asd

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