[Solved] Assigning Shell variable

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# 1  
Old 03-10-2014
[Solved] Assigning Shell variable


Need a small help to execute below script.

. new.txt
for no in 3 4
echo $((uname_$no))

new.txt contains

I am getting errors if i run the above script. I doubt the syntax is wrong in "echo $((uname_$no))" line. Correct me if i am wrong.
# 2  
Old 03-10-2014

Following may help.

Either use the following.
uname_$no=echo $no

OR try following.
echo "uname_"$no

Please let us know if you have any queries for same.

R. Singh
# 3  
Old 03-10-2014
That is the wrong syntax. $(( .. )) is used for arithmetic expansion. Try:
eval echo "\"\$uname_$no\""

If you have control over the source file format, since you are using bash, you could use arrays instead:

echo "${uname[no]}"

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 03-10-2014 at 06:55 AM..
# 4  
Old 03-10-2014
This will work in modern versions of Bash:

. ./new.txt

for no in 1 2 3
    echo ${!ref}

nameref provides similar functionality in ksh93
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# 5  
Old 03-10-2014
Hello Ravinder,

Thanks for your reply.

echo "uname_"$no

By using your above code, it just displays 2 or 3 ($no) not the actual one which needs to be displayed.

Expected output:

My objective is to display the values present in new.txt file.
# 6  
Old 03-10-2014

Could you please try the following.

for no in  3 4
echo "uname_"$no
done < "check_out"

output will be as follow.


NOTE: Where check_out is the input file as same provided by you.

R. Singh
# 7  
Old 03-10-2014
Thanks fpmurphy, i tried your code and it is working fine.
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