CGI Perl : only frame is getting updated

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting CGI Perl : only frame is getting updated
# 1  
Old 12-05-2013
CGI Perl : only frame is getting updated

I am working on CGI perl and trying to overcome the below problem..

I have divided the page into 3 frames( attached the screenshot) how to my frameset look like.

In frame2, there will be a cgi script consisting on names(links), when clicked on link , the frame3 should get changed.

But in my code.. If I click on frame2 link only the frame2 is refreshed and only frame2 is refreshed.

But as pe my requirement the frame3 should be changed.

I am assuming some onclick should work here but not sure.

Could anyone please help me ?




use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;

my $hostname = $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'};
my $form = new CGI;


        print  $form->header;

        print $form->start_form( -method => 'POST' , -name => 'mainform' , -id => "main_form" );

        print $form->start_html( -title => "Global Network Services");
        print $form->br();
        print $form->body({-bgcolor=>"#ff9900"});

        print $form->br();
        print $form->a({  -href=>"./welcome.cgi"
                          -onClick=>"parent.location='./welcome.cgi'  " },
        print $form->br();
        print $form->br();
        print $form->b( "top N Reports" );
        print $form->br();
        print $form->br();
        print $form->a({ -name=>"NormalizedMemoryInfo" -href=>"./NormalizedMemoryInfo.cgi"},"Memory Utilization");

        print $form->br();

        print $form->a({ -name=>"NormalizedCPUInfo" ,   -href=>"./frametestnew.cgi"},"CPU Utilization");
        print $form->br();
        print $form->p();
        print $form->end_form;
        print $form->end_html;

CGI Perl : only frame is getting updated-framejpg

Last edited by Franklin52; 12-05-2013 at 06:58 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 2  
Old 12-05-2013
It would be better to include the actual html that results from your cgi's when the page is rendered so we can see the link you are talking about. I think you can elect to refresh the frameset instead of just the frame. Post the html of the page, this can be done by pulling up the page in the browser and viewing the source (Note: view the source of the entire page not just the frame)
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