Regarding change in column numbers after some commands

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Regarding change in column numbers after some commands
# 8  
Old 11-08-2013
I'm sorry, I can't help if you don't read and heed my post.
# 9  
Old 11-09-2013

RudiC Thanks for ur help....I got it.....

I followed the following command using printf and get the correct output:
awk '{printf ("%4s%7s%4s%5s%6s%12s%8s%8s%6s%6s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10);}' $line

# 10  
Old 11-10-2013
Very good, congrats!
You may want to have string fields left justified; then, use a minus sign: "%-4s".
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